Studies/The Three Trials/ Lost Language

"well then get on," fredrick said lifting todd gently onto his back. foxy jumped up on to fredrick's back. fredrick started beating his wings, and took off, flying towards the houses.

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Necessity Part III - Interwoven

But if the challenge _accidentally_ kills him, then fredrick is presumably in the clear." the tiger frowned. underhanded and blunt. it was quite like his eldest brother. "you think fredrick is that petty?

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Cooperative Management (8/10)

"it appears that our dear fredrick had a very good time," santer said as he and modino walked in.

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fredrick rose his brow again, but put it down to prolly's usual hyperness.

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Master of Aura Chapter Nineteen

fredrick shouted, "they're not going to come back!" "no!" he opened his jaw, a ball of purple energy forming. "go! hitmonlee!" fredrick shouted, and he threw the ball in his hand.

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Flames Part V - Interwoven

"yeah, but he's still following fredrick's footsteps. he's always done what fredrick does. do you think he's going to turn around what fredrick's done? fix things?"

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Flames Part VI - Interwoven

That one way or another, fredrick the second would be the last king of ratholarin.

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"fredrick" i called out, "fredrick i need you." i almost started crying, i needed his touch, his voice, everything to be with me. even when i came, the feeling was hollow, empty. "damn it, why is this happening?"

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Flames Part IX - Interwoven

"it was fredrick. fredrick's feelings... fredrick's rage and hate. i felt it all, strong enough to overwhelm anything and everything else. "william... he's coming."

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Necessity Part IV - Interwoven

Again the crowd erupted, but for a much shorter time as fredrick raised his paws again.

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Cancelled Class

fredricks joins him. greg slowly walked down the hall, heading to his next class with the stunning mrs. fredricks. he turned the corner and saw her sitting alone reading an erotic novel in solitude. "hello, mrs. fredricks."

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Need Part VIII - Interwoven

His adoration was clear, as was his dedication to whatever path fredrick seemed to have laid out for them.

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