Chapter 4 - Into the Fray

"huhn," cindy murred as her ears perked up a bit. "thank you." ellen smiled. "we're here anytime you want to talk." \* \* \* "if this phone card is going to last the whole trip, i'd better not use too much of it tonight," said clarence.

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Die Katze

Kauend schaute ich von meinem huhn auf. „was meinst du?" sah ich sie an? „du benimmst dich eigenartig, vivien." ich schluckte den bissen herunter und fragte sie wie sie darauf kommt. „na überleg mal." fuhr sie fort.

Sunrise... Sunset Ch.2

Nothing wrong with that, huhn?'_ ryu shook his head, smiling. they were dawning upon jubilife city as the route ahead began to thin out, the eroded footpath turning into a more civilised, paved out soil path.

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Extinction Agenda, Part 3

"unn huhn..." christy nodded as she gulped down half a steak in one bite and then downed half a gallon of root beer in one swig. she was on her third plate.

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Ein Heißer Sommer, Tag 9 Doppeldate

Dann fing er an wie ein aufgescheuchtes huhn (ein gelb-schwarz-gestreiftes und sehr großes huhn) durch das zimmer zu wuseln, um die technik abzubauen. marc und jeff zogen sich derweil in das wohnzimmer im erdgeschoss zurück.

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Pim Chapter Nineteen

"un huhn" the sitran said nodding his head.

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Healing With Love

"huh ... huhn." arch! "huhh ... " he stopped. and ... lip-nibbled. lip-nibble. and hummed once more, and ... stuck his tongue out (as far as it would go). and danced it atop the little thing. now came the animal sounds.

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Making Steady Time

"uh ... huhn ... " "w-what ... " "skunks aren't the only ... only," she moaned, "furs with hidden yiffy advantages ... " hump, hump ... rocking the mattress. their furry forms matted with sweat.

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Up to Speed

"mm ... huhn!" too sensitive ... the moan indicated. and the mouse eased up. squeaking quietly. for she was running her finger-tips, light as air, around and around the thin, pink flesh of his ear-lobes. the lobes a rosy-pink.

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Six: Event Horizon)

Johnson quickly scanned through it, 'huhn, looks like an aar (after action report/review), pretty even from the looks of casualties and fatalities,' johnson thought as he brought up another document. it was another aar, but of a different battle.

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Widerstand ist Zwecklos- Blutprinzessin Kapitel 2

Suppe als vorspeise, huhn mit gemüse als hauptgang, und mouse au chocolate als nachspeise. dazu stand auf dem tablett ein kleiner gemischter salat, und eine kleine kanne tee mit einem becher.

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In the Meanwhile

"huhn ... uh ... ohh," he sighed. "hmm, hmm," she mouse-purred, squeaking when she breathed. her body grinding, grinding hard, grinding close, and then, suddenly, relenting, and raising by inches. holding for a second.

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