Beasts Being Born

She just wished luther was there with her.

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Sex on a Plane

#3 of buddy & luther yeah, so, plane sex. with animal people.

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Buddy Takes Time Out

At the beginning of the year, buddy was the one who was helping luther out, but as the months progressed luther had overtaken him and now, to his frustration, he had started relying on the bulky tiger for help.

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City Life

Buddy yelped a little as luther started to get rougher, with sudden thrusts punctuated by pauses as luther allowed time to lubricate his own cock.

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Beasts in the Woods

luther had turned her into a wolf eight weeks earlier. after an hour of being knotted together on the beach, luther's erection finally subsided and he slide out from inside of her.

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A Queen of Nothing Prologue Pt 1

Before the man could question luther's words, luther called out an unfamiliar name across the room.

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A Big Surprise

A big surprise by luther today is denyen's birthday. his mate, luther, has an idea for something he can do for the dragon.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 33

"for god's sake, luther! ohhff!" with that, donna fell to her hands onto the tree roots. she laughed as luther scruffed and climbed onto her, and tightly wrapped his arms around hers. "luther, stop it! hahaha!"

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If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 5: He Will Want an Explanation

But he had decided to give luther a chance. then he would make his choice. luther had returned with two cups of coffee. he gave one to ethan, who accepted it willingly. luther took a small sip and set his cup on the table.

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Animated Story: Expanding Horizons

The pair worked in tandem, both working to get luther off. tyler's toes flexed inside of his whimsical children's shoes as his insides rearranged to accommodate luther's invasive girth.

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Beasts on the Beach

She was able to push luther up enough that her new tail popped free, giving her momentary relief in the mists of her transformative pain. her torso had lengthened the same as had luther's.

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Luther In The Flesh

This is what i hope to be the first chapter of a longer story for my friend luther (luther-bat on fa). because it works as a standalone short, i am uploading it now just in case the rest of it never progresses.

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