The voice of reason - Ch 7 - Who can say where the road goes...
And now that meagan is probably gone for good... heh... i always had a lot of time to think about things whenever i was alone in bed... about meagan... about ceylan... terry...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 64 - The breaking point
And meagan did that by playing guitar... i smiled at her when i realized that... so i got hold of her guitar and handed it over to her... meagan looked a little surprised at first but smiled weakly the moment she took it...
The voice of reason - Ch 1 - Once upon a time...
meagan and i only shared 2 classes together, but i didn't mind. i stayed with her nonetheless. and that's basically it in a nutshell... but unlike me, meagan wasn't lonely. she had a boyfriend for years... fabian was his name.
The voice of reason - Ch 11 - You would've known...
And at some point, i started to hang out more with her then with meagan and terry. those were the best days i've ever had. but... over the months, meagan was starting to isolate herself from me.
The voice of reason - Ch 4 - A new friend...
It felt as if she was replacing meagan, who i rarely saw these days. i didn't want to loose meagan. but it felt as if meagan wanted to loose me instead.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 59 - Looking in the wrong direction...
She didn't like it that meagan and i constantly had an argument... but i stood up for nikki, in order to let meagan help out in the household... it was clear to me that meagan didn't like me as well, for telling her the truth...
The voice of reason - Ch 18 - My dearest Ceylan...
Ahem, anyway meagan was watching us one night while we were making out and we noticed her, standing in the doorway.
The voice of reason - Ch 26 - The need for speed...
To able to go home, back to ceylan and meagan... i still had regular checkups at the hospital. but despite being home, it wasn't always as easy and sometimes i couldn't sleep because of the pain, but ceylan and meagan always took good care of me.
Eternal Autumn
"he isn't dead, meagan," she roared, grabbing it, tearing the screaming, sobbing child off of his corpse. "you know he isn't dead. you don't believe he's dead. say he isn't dead meagan!"
The voice of reason - Ch 6 - What one doesn't know...
That i was lying to meagan... too afraid to tell the truth... something that went on for years... meagan knows now and left me because of it. but when i gazed back in ceylan beautiful cyan eyes, i realized that ceylan is nothing like meagan...
The voice of reason - Ch 13 - Digging up the past...
So i got up from the couch after sitting like that for a while, and went to meagan's room where i peeked around the doorpost. she was asleep... meagan was curled up on her bed, holding on to a pillow. she's been alone ever since fabian died...
If I Only Had a Bottle of Vodka
We got into pacsun and danielle, meagan, and i began to try on glasses and hats. we all got something and then went to the cash register. she was a blonde poodle.