Missing You
Work all day and sleep all night but i think of you even out of sight i pray to god to bring you home to me that day will make me whole and happy i try so hard to be strong as the days go by but all i do is break down and cry my life is meaningless
Teenage Loves
Be patient with love, don't push, don't shove and look for your true love, the one that life seems meaningless without; this one true love. so live hap'ly with them, live without strife.
I know that my life is meaningless you see the horror that i have caused i feel the way that everybody stares they know that i don't fucking care.
Email to No One
It's short and pretty meaningless.
Through your soul curling flames licking beyond control even though your essence is bled completely dry your soul far too tired to cry their thirst will still not be sated your suffering the only thing they can be equated petty fights and meaningless
The Wolf and the Shapeshifter
The creature embraced him in her luscious fur, a majestic coat of white and lavender; he was surrounded by her tender caress, the harsh, bitter winds becoming meaningless.
Love's Labour's Won
Stage directions are meaningless, so we stagger, we haggardly wrangle with these tenuous traces lingering fingerings to lutes we shan't play. o, to be the poison in my ear! to be the happy dagger!
-- network nihilist --
Boner.polys elongate into infinity; on and on towards the virtual horizon collapsing your distant organ into a singularity the sheer size of it causes distress and you begin to question your own size relative to the universe maybe everything is meaningless
In Misty Pools Way Down Below
Spirits caught, energy devoured gods like vultures descend from cadaverous islands into the water that is not water, with poison breath blow in misty pools way down below reptile and mammal, mineral and vegetable unknown identity, genderless, meaningless
My Little Mashup 14 - Back Toward the Future
Just hopelessness, meaninglessness. the only refuge was in numbness - in the meaninglessness itself - and that was a pretty shitty refuge.
Taco Fox
meaningless, useless, and boring beyond comprehension? how had it taken him this long to come to this conclusion, he wondered. the thought had never ever occurred to him before... but then, taco fox had a realization.
Highschool Life Chapter 8: The Strong One's Tears
That's why i considered my whole life meaningless. that was until i met them. at the start, my life was still meaningless, but now that i'm here, i've found it. i want to protect what i treasure, and that's them. so, that's all i'm asking for.