Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 2 Royally Screwed

These fucking morons aren't smart enough to prank us. i was just really pissed and i flew off the handle." he replied to ralph. then he said to me.

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A unwanted surprise...

#1 of story's oh what can you do with two moron fox demons eh? slice them! mwahahahahahahahahah!!chokes it was another night in the dreadful forest.and still not a trace of the evil naraku.well its better having company for a reason.

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Protect and Serve.txt

Now, i'm no moron. i new damn well that that warehouse had special zoning permits for excessive noise and the only neighbors were businesses run only during the day.

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Gym Buddies: Part Nine

"you really _are_ a moron if you think that," he snickered. "we're going to tell them that i've got a new job and it requires i have an assistant. you expressed an interest, so i thought you'd like the experience.

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A Real Fucking Bitch

Good thing, too; today's batch of morons made me want to hit the roof.

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Teh Right Way to Blow Up

"you damn, moronic scientist..." partially turning sideways allowed the naga to squeeze her way into the, thankfully, wider hallway.

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Chapter Twelve - Drunken Betrayal

Well it's not supposed to be but the people like to act like morons." "a lot of people are morons." "oh shut it." "are you coming or not?" "yeah, i guess we'll come."

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Z-Hero Compilation 2

It's just like our resident fox calling us 'morons' repeatedly. [b]blake:[/b] \ because you people are morons. i don't recall agreeing to participate in this 'luncheon'.


After Armageddon Chapter 6

I open the door and yell out to the hunters "hey morons, its four in the morning. can't you come back later? i've already been woken up once this morning and i'm tired."


Adventures of Nex Era

She stopped then as she realized the moronic imperials had left her backpack on her...weird. just then stormcloak guy noticed two imperials coming.

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Too good to be true... times two

"what a moron," i whispered to myself even as i tried to think of a better angle for my next rush. how stupid must a guy be to forget such a status symbol? heck, it wouldn't even be hard to miss!

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