Kung Fu Panda: Tien Tsin Pepper Dart
Po, Crane, and Viper stood looking down the narrow hallway that stretched before them. "Careful," said Po, "It might be booby trapped." Crane looked at the intricately designed tiles lining the floor and the wall, "If it is, we don't have much time...
Opossum Time-Reversal
As the possum couple walked out of the theater, Mina couldn't keep the big amused grin off her face. Osmund looked over at her as she let out a chuckle. "What's so funny?" Osmund asked. "I just keep thinking," Mina said, "about when that character...
Meteor-Gazing Squirrel
Cherry stood at the edge of the branch looking up into the darkening sky, he could feel the anxiety for what was going to happen tonight rising up in him, but it was a good sort of anxiety, he couldn't wait, and he just knew that by the time it ended,...
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 4 - Zipp
As they sat around the fire that night, Zipp was silent. She had gathered from the awkward conversations of the other girls in the group that what happened to Hitch, this wasn't the first time it had happened. In fact, every girl pony in the group...
Bear Trap
Nate always felt anxious every time he stepped out of his den into the world beyond. He knew he had a destiny, and it wasn't a destiny to look forward to. When he was just a very young cub, a Porcupine Witch had come to his mother and bestowed this...
School days and play days ch2
#2 of school days and play days i really dont know why this wasnt uploaded like months ago if you have any feed back, please feel free to share school days and play days chapter 2 "ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch" kiba whined while he walked with his sister to
Poor Exorcist
.** ** "hahaha...ouch...hahaha...ouch....please...hahaha...stop....ouch..."** ** now they tickled my whole body and attacked my shaft at same time
Wrong Territory
"i can't believe they're so cruel ouch ouch."** ** ruby bore her misfortunes bravely.
Crunch Those Muscles with Rad Drago Boy
Rhiana was rummaging through the old box of tape her mother had sent her when her husband Calcifer passed by. "Okay, I'm going to head out now." He said "Gotta fly over to the mechanism store and see about a few things. See you in a bit. Love you...
039 - Proxime Pt.07
ouch ouch ouch. he murmured to himself, still rubbing. butters and sawyer take this opportunity to climb off too. -cheers for the save back there ideas'. thanks butters -well i figured a simple 3 minute walk may of been asking for too much from you.
Zootopia movie script: Point 223 part 4
Nick: ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! judy: relax and breath nick! nick: easy for you too say hopps! you're the one dancing your size ten cloud hoppers on my back! judy: you should know better than to insult me!
The wild Rose, chapter 2: Mutual understanding
ouch! my shoulder!" "oh, sorry. i'll drag you out as fast as i can." "please! do it... now..." lily started dragging him through the passage between the rock and the cave wall.