Comforting Mommy pt 2
Can you guess what color my panties are??"** " **"** " **nope, sorry babe hehehe", and with that she pulled her pants down showing a pink frilly thong matching her bra.
Bathroom Break
"now step back before i piss my panties." with a roll of his eyes aiden moved to put his dick away, but jess's hands were quicker, grabbing his stiff member with one hand while her other pulled her panties down.
Sweet, Blissful Release
"i'm sure you'll find a way, my hike those panties up before someone else sneaks a peek."
Love at first sight
Helena moaned even louder when isomalt's tongue started to really with a rough and firm pressing lick get the lynx to wriggle and moan out load before moving her panties to the side to smell her scent some more before looking at the light pink flower like
Latex Nightmare, Chapter 2: Too much? Not enough!
Socks, panties, bras, and when she opened up her other drawers, it had happened to all of her clothes.
Friendship to Love Ch 2
"i didn't know you wore panties." he held up a pair of pink frilly panties. my face instantly turned bright red and i couldn't help but smile. "that's very cute." he teased.
Itching to get home
She unclasped the bra and slid her panties off her body and put the garments in her laundry hamper along with her other clothes.
Klo's Pervy Dungeon #1: +3 Latex Panties of Orgasm
If a slave of the panties breeds with another being, that being must make a will save (dc 15 + lvl of slave) or cause another pair of panties to appear on themselves.
The Sleepover
The girls rose an eyebrow,joseph flinched as the girls got up,he expected them to beat him up,but they took off their shirts and jeans into their bra and panties. "wha?...really?"thought joseph.
Locker Room
No one knew he wore panties and he especially kept this particular pair a secret as it was the frilliest pair he owned and powder blue to boot. his claw slipped under the waistband and he removed his panties, freeing his fully erect cock.
Lily's Tea Party
"but the pink one matches your panties." "i don't care." "all right, miss grumpy panties. the yellow one it is then." ashley said as she crossed over to andlat and helped him remove the dress that he wore.
Hike #1
Of all his hiking gear, the panties hadn't been the most expensive- but the most important by far.