The Bog

I've been called many things over the years, but one of the more recent is pooka." well, that was certainly not exactly what i had expected. vow? remains to be seen? now what did she mean by that? and a pooka?

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter 2

"a rescued spirit called a pooka taught me magic and sent me on a quest to find you." "pooka, i know you are here, come out." mopsy appears. "why have you taught this human magic?"

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Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction

.** **pooka - dreams of playfulness and laughter gave life to the pranksters. pooka are a species of shapeshifting faeries who share a connection to a specific animal species.

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter three

Chapter three This day I follow my mistress out to the dojo. The streets are clear except for a lone kitsune. My mistress stops in the middle of the street and I almost run into her. The other kitsune speaks, "Miss Kino, you...

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Thick as Thieves With Dreams and Dogs

There won't be any feasting on bugs and berries and lesser beasts, in a firelit grove, out in the sacred woods, with my retinue of nagas and pooka.

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Beyond Words~ Chapter 1 Kiffin's Rebirth

What kiffin saw was a young pooka girl looking down at her pretty dress, it made her smile so widely, she posed and giggled happily. the door to kiffin's room was ajar and walking by was jery, kiffin's brother, carrying dinner to his room.

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"i believe irish folks would use the name, 'pooka,'" he said. "i prefer that you just call me jonas." a wry smile crossed my lips. "so you're a fairy, then?" i asked with a hint of humor in my voice. he smirked in response.

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Jeremy 008.002; Escape

"he's a pooka, right?" "what, like that movie? nah, he's a pixie, or something." one of the others asserted. "well, whatever he is you can't leave him in there. he'll suffocate before too long." "i can fix that."

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Infinity Codex (part 1)

Gundolf asks to which belle shakes her head then replies with: "i've heard about them and the seven foot male of my kind that was made by a deranged geneticist and named harry pooka."

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Friendship is Hunted: Origin of the Hunt

He had me place my head against his stomach so i could feel and hear what the "pooka" was experiencing. i was...worried for it.

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Worthy Purchases Pt. 4

Cepheus sat obediently next to Paleer, jostling alongside the beefy boar as the two donkeys they were hitched to pulled their wagon to his farm. The ride from the market had been uneventful--the farmer had been singing absently to himself for the last...

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EB meets EB

Eb groaned as he groggily woked up, and soon picked himself off from the ground. He blinked as he slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was in a different world entirely with near neon blue sky and twin moons overhead. "Whoa. Where the fuck am I?"...

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