OSAT CH3: Contracts of a Child

"i am slayne inaru cross." it was then the girl took notice of his eyes. one violet, the other as green as her own. "and i am now at your beck and call, miss tikka."

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They're as much a part of me as slayn and avalon and i'm touched that so many people stuck with me while i wove a story about a smarmy chimney sweep and a psychopath.

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The Half Moon Tribe: Arch's War

He created slayn and many other characters and powers. i created arch, and avalon, and laid the basic groundwork for their wolven society. this is a story of arch and his first incidents as alpha male of the tribe, written by the creator himself.

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Arch's War

"slayn," torun spoke his name with authority. it managed to silence the boy, though slayn continued to radiate waves of concern for his alpha. if i hadn't bigger things to focus on, i would have been interested in his behavior.

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The Tale of Two Kitties

He was learning a lot and hsi ability to manipulate the gods energy was astounding in his duel against slayn. i didn't suspect arch would use such an ability through that strider to counter my own but he had, and eros had been injured.

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Wartorn - Chapter 2, Path of the Hound

slayn, mara, will you two ladies please relieve her of her clothing?" he shot a glance at the struggling man in his ragged uniform and grinned evilly. "my employer doesn't require her unspoiled, just alive."

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Furside - Chapter 7, War (Part 2, Path of the Hound)

slayn, mara, will you two ladies please relieve her of her clothing?" he shot a glance at the struggling man in his ragged uniform and grinned evilly. "my employer doesn't require her unspoiled, just alive."

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