Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 4

Love heart felt an undertow pulling at his legs, but paid it no mind as he momentarily surfaced his head to catch a glimpse of pink among the waves. at least sweet heart hadn't gone under.

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The Wild River - Making Waves

A small pod of dolphins played in the undertow. two of them, sleek males that were throbbingly erect, chased a third up to the surface, where they breached and crashed back below, where they tussled and clicked.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 48

Even their fear was the same, a steady undertow beneath it all. their faces were all bleeding together, forming a single entity of lifeless meat. whether it was a single body or a thousand, without life, they might as well not even be here.

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Out and About (PT I)

I just slink along in the undertow behind them. before too long we were getting our wrists stamped for the first venue. this wasn't a gay club or anything, just a nice 'starting venue'.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 49

Even their fear was the same, a steady undertow beneath it all. their faces were all bleeding together, forming a single entity of lifeless meat. whether it was a single body or a thousand, without life, they might as well not even be here.

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California Madness, Pt. 2

California waves are known for being anywhere from 4-6 feet above the level of the ocean on a decent day, and have the force and undertow to drag an inexperienced swimmer under if they happen to be in what local surfers call "the impact zone" (where the wave

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Factions of War

First his shoulders, then neck, and finally his head were dragged underneath by the invisible hands of the undertow.

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You Can See the Midnight Sky

I don't know what you're expecting of me put under the pressure of walking in your shoes [caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow] every step that i take is another mistake to you his muscles loosened for the first time in hours

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Closer than Friends. Chapter 2

The undertow pulled me under and deeper to where i had to stand on claw to keep above surface.

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Fates of the Ferals: The Long Jaunt

As he approached a narrow ledge below which there would be nothing but undertow and rocks, he bunched his legs and rebounded off of it.

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Chosen of Ashura 1- The God's Touch

The powerful undertow had nearly killed the suit of flesh q had made for her, and she would have been lost to time if valgar hadn't used the powers of his race to save her. she held up her hand, signaling her maids to stop, and began to chant.

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My head is pounding like the surf, and it feels a little like my body is still surging and sliding with the waves; as if the undertow has yet to let go of my soul.

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