Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 163
Camera alongside military men during wartime, and in contrast with this, it was organized to show all the types of pokemon taken away and put in similar roles those like the wealthy forced them in, showing the worlds most beautiful species like roserade, vespiquen
New to the Force Chapter 5: First Assignment
There was no mistaking the species, she was definitely a vespiquen with her humanoid appearance and crown. from the dull yellows on her carapace, it was also obvious she was getting on in years too. clara whimpered behind me.
Chapter 17
She spoke as anana's tail faded from view, and did, indeed, flash her claws up to attract the vespiquen that was acting as their waitress. " two scones, oolong tea, a cranberry muffin and a wet wipe, anana's usual and terra's usual."
Destination, Part II
In the previous battle, he had seen all of chris's pokemon, and knew that he still had a vespiquen, a garchomp, a gastrodon, and of course his two weaviles.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 66
Before laughing as nurses tried covering the kids eyes, alakazam glancing away and clearing his throat while vespiquen and lopunny along with the other seniors swooned. "garefwoir!!! nwot fwere!!! nwot fwere!!!"
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 127
Grandfathers pokemon have been takin' real good care of it." another elderly woman point out before the camera panned to the cabin, showing them on the porch with alakazam sitting in a rocking chair, giving a wave while lopunny swept, giving a wave as well while vespiquen
New to the Force (All Chapters)
There was no mistaking the species, she was definitely a vespiquen with her humanoid appearance and crown. from the dull yellows on her carapace, it was also obvious she was getting on in years too. clara whimpered behind me.
Started with a Rock (Giant Formating nightmare)
She spoke as anana's tail faded from view, and did, indeed, flash her claws up to attract the vespiquen that was acting as their waitress. " two scones, oolong tea, a cranberry muffin and a wet wipe, anana's usual and terra's usual."