the new guardian's part eight

After a few minutes they take to the air flying quickly so they can make it to warfang before night fall.

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then new guardians part three

When spyro removed his paw the mole answered shakily, "we're in the dragon city warfang".

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 7

The sight of warfang was a literal killjoy. a hole draining all the good that happened in her accursed life. "wrong?"

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 9 informing Warfang

Frost lived in the high parts of warfang very close to the citadel. he was the son of one of the highest standing dragon in warfang only surpassed by the guardians.

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The Legend of Spyro: After the War

Ever. \*\*\*\*\* night finally came at warfang and the celebration finally came for the eighth anniversary of the end of the war. i was walking around the city with hunter, the cheetah warrior who came to warfang for a visit.

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8- The Red Gaia

warfang was out of sight. fear quickly filled his mind. "where's rift?"

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Chapter 12: Plan of Attack

Several human fighters flew overhead as well, trailed by dragons as they reconed the skies above warfang and kept any intruders out.

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Diplomatic Domination

"my queen, this is rifty, the youngest of the guardians of fire and the envoy to you from the city of warfang."

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Story: Diplomatic Domination (By Valcyrie)

"my queen, this is rifty, the youngest of the guardians of fire and the envoy to you from the city of warfang."

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the new guardians part nine

Dawn came as shadowheart entered warfang via the northern gate and as the sun rose and it's light hit the young dragon his cloak was shown to be in tatters from his eight years of travels, he was in the market distrect of warfang he sighed heavly from

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the new guardians part four

After his stretch arrow looks at the sun to get his bearings as takes off for warfang city, as he was flying arrow was going over the guardian candidate hopefuls he found in his fief and sighs in exasperation, "forty-eight, forty-eight hopeful candidates"

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Stars of Time - The Stars of Destiny

"i'm cedric warfang. son of emperium warfang. brother of invictus warfang and secundius warfang." spyro looked at him in surprise. "what!?" he said, "warfang? as in, the royal family warfang, to whom warfang is named after?" "yeah, pretty much."

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