Introducing Teekius the Gryphon

The top half of my body from just below the chest brown in colour, and the bottom half is a golden yellow/tan colour. my eyes you have already seen, and are golden yellow. ah it is those that made you make this decision?

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The Path of the Rainbow Dragon

Suddenly, a whole multitude of flapping of wings and many other dragons: red, yellow, orange, blue, indigo, violet, black, white, and gold crowd the island over the next few moments. the red dragon that arrives picks you up in its claws.

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Say Maam you are such a gorgeous yellow

She seizes you and picks you up in both talons up to her snout and beams at you with closed eyes nuzzling you, "Ooooo.... you're such the adorable. Can I take you home with me, treasure?" She sits you in the crook of her arm like a hammock while she...

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Civic Duties - Part 2

Right front and centre during the protests was another yellow perch. desi had recognized him immediately - simon was hard to miss.

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The Echo Fanfic: The Yellow Parade

They swam in the yellow seas which both of them liked very much, seeing wonderous ecosystems full of sharks and other animals filled with urine. eventually they came across a yellow orb.

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Chapter 17: Yellow Flower

She lifted a yellow flower to her nose and slowly smiled.

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Guardian Wars: Yellow (2)

The bunny smirked over his shoulder before his yellow mist died down, making cedrick take a sigh of relief.

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Behind Yellow Eyes: Prologue

Prologue The black limo cruises around quietly, maglev holding it a half meter above the road. Silence inside is mingling with the colorful scent of happiness. The fact that it's coming from Sinclair makes it more intoxicating than anything Mist...

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Nick & Doug 1

A young yellow lab flung open the door and rushed out only to be tackled into the bed by his older and bigger boyfriend. "eeeep!" "gotcha!" said the bigger dog, wagging his tail and smiling. "no!!! i've been tricked!"

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8. The Dog's Out Of the Bag Now

Thoughts drifted from the husky he had just used to blow off some steam, to the yellow labrador jock who had seen them.

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Santiga and Kale

Santiga is a biped dragoness wizard with orange scales, yellow underbelly, and a slender body to go along with it. she was taking time to stir her cauldron while adding ingredients.

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Comfort Zones

The yellow perch had felt ready to bolt and run, but tia's assurance and joking had kept her steady. of course, it had also been tia who had accidentally torn the slim, sleeveless blue dress that desdemona was now wearing.

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