Kathryn's Story

We went to yellowstone in a stolen car and stayed out there for years. but over time, i grew disenchanted with him.

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Luke's Painful Love

We had one in yellowstone but he died and another wolf was never chosen to take his place." "ruma was the yellowstone guardian but as you said he died, the war god never could find someone to replace him."

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Camping Courtship

And so, in the middle of yellowstone national park, todd and i curled up together and watched streaming satellite video on my iphone 7.

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Awakening Will: Transmission #01

. ============= generations ago, an earthquake within the yellowstone national park triggered an eruption of titanic proportions.

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Wings of the Warrior: 11

Sam had headed south from yellowstone for a day after sleeping in the mountains and wound up in albuquerque. not where he wanted to be but at least he knew where he was. the map at least let him know he had to head west.

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Alpha Test - Part 1

A simulation of yellowstone national park? can they possibly have gotten a contract with brunan 3? forget jumping around and firing rockets everywhere, i want to fight _dinosaurs_.

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The Leader of the Pack

But something told him that he hadn't ranged all the way to yellowstone. and unless he encountered a fence close by, he may have done something stupid.                 he decided to check around.

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When Life's a Bitch, Treat Her Right

They were going to introduce the wolves pack into the park, much like they did in yellowstone. it was a great idea, and the benefits at yellowstone have become glaringly apparent in recent years.

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The Crypto Zoologist

A young crypto zoologist, and verminologist named gabriel was walking through the forest of yellowstone national park. gabriel is actually looking for bigfoot, which was a creature that has been sighted the day before.

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Wings of the Warrior: 10

He hadn't realized how far he'd gone originally but he crested a ridge and flew right into yellowstone national park. it was still daylight at that and he could see a parking lot a few miles off in the distance at 2 o'clock to his direction.

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Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 12 Blindsided

"you mean in yellowstone?" loki asked. my ears perked up because i had seen books about yellowstone. i knew most of the animals there that you could hunt, but none of them seemed fit these ferals they were so excited about.

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Rails of Rain

Apparently the boys and their aunt had been off on a trip down at yellowstone national park in the states, and were returning to their home in vancouver.

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