Love of the Dragon Ch. 02

My fantasies had faded, but the splendor of a fortunate reality was taking its place.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 11

You could have lived a quiet life with none of this to worry about. now we're hunted and your family is in danger." i touched his face gently. "don't be sorry. from the moment i saw you, i knew.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 03

No one has ever bowed to me in my life." marie smiled nervously, "apologies, miss, but you are the daughter of lord ingram, it is the expectation that we show you the respect of that position." stewart clicked his tongue impatiently.

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Halloween in Devout America

Encouraged, if not pressured, to participate in hell house attractions, assisting their local church in portraying the consequences of burning in hell, the debauchery of sinful lifestyles before the d.s.a. came to power, sometimes even performing plays about life

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Thanksgiving in Devout America

Nbsp; while the thanksgiving pardon is seemingly benevolent, rumors persist that either a significant portion of the citizens pardoned are actors paid by the state, or that they are real, but disappear quickly from public life

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I should have just killed calliope and leave reality as it was. i wish this would end. i want life back, and by golly, i will do whatever it takes to get it back, even if that means waiting, forever.

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Life in Dead Earth (Important things to know)

It is actually very important and if you find something in a chapter that doesn't make sense to you but is unique to dead earth specifically such as a religion or way of life you will find it here.

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The Turning Part 1

I thought of my old life, my friends and my family...the memory seemed so far away, like a half-forgotten dream. had any of that been real? had i been chained here my whole life, not knowing where i was or why i was there...or even who i was?

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Call of the Hero

Nyoko faced off with two soldiers at once, the soldiers seemingly alternating between attacks and barely giving her enough time to defend against each.

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Superhero Setting - History

Even then the casualties had been deliberately limited to avoid the total loss of life seen in the september 11th attack.

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A Tale of the World .Pt 1

Renmora could not bring them to life so she made them into new life which became the wolverins. there are a couple more races and i will go more in depth later if asked. but for the furry races that's it there is the elves the dwarves and humans also but there

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Fallout:New origins

In this crazy fucked-up alternate world he was in everything had a counterpart. so if the real-world password was amata, this one was amin. the computer beeped in confirmation and displayed a menu.

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