The Legend of the FinalGamer 1 - Fugitive Alien

"oh my god this is some fucking superhero shit," he muttered to himself, now a little more scared at his strange elemental abilities. what else could he create? ice? lava? lightning even?

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Chapter 13: Ready to Fight

However, he ignored it and applied fire from his elemental abilities to heat his body from within. still, it didn't change the fact that it was bitter cold outside.

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War of the Dragons - Chapter 7

Whoever captured them were very well trained, and likely had the proper equipment to keep hold dragons, no matter their elemental ability or power... excluding the draconem.

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Everyone Everywhere (Chap4, Book8)

"a very simple yet effective method was employed to keep my elemental abilities under control. clever humans." "oh?" "if i conjure fire, it will burn this body suit i have been forced to wear. doing so will burn the vessel to which i am bound.

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War of the Dragons - Chapter 2

We've always lagged behind the others in elemental ability in the tests and training, and i'm certain its because the army refuses to accept change from the norm." the patrol shared looks at this announcement, knowing full well that ace spoke the truth.

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Sparks Will Fly: A Party, and the Morning After

Magic users could work a few varieties of mind magic in addition to their normal elemental abilities. one of these mind magics could act as an arcane sedative, useful for subduing unaware enemies... or drunk, horny friends.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 35

Dairyu, whose air-based elemental ability required him to maintain vacuum, went too close to a room and ended up being trapped under collapsed foundation, right before the whole room collapsed.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 18

Of course...with your elemental abilities, there may perhaps be some methods of allowing your indulgence with your mate without the risk of pregnancy.

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As One-Ch.3: Friends

As a reward, arceus granted him and his kind several elemental abilities: of which were electric, water, ice, grass, psychic, fire, and dark.

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Siege (Chapter11, Act1, Book2)

And remember, don't transition or use your elemental abilities in front of mortal society. they will attack you because they don't understand. now, start working to find out how we can restore the celestial balance.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 19

But spyro, with his elemental abilities, could render any hazardous area safer. as they made camp at sunset, the dragonfly snacked on some berries while mulling that thought over.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 21

"this is why we need to focus on elemental abilities. there is nothing you can gain spyro from group sessions, you need an individual program for it to be quick and successful.

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