A Rainy Day - 1

The skunk lifted his head up and stared into the swirling gray clouds above him, letting the falling rain drip onto his black muzzle and down his neck.

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Just Another College Romance

"i... love you, john..." she mumbled, before falling asleep- dirty, naked, and tired- in my arms, as the sound of falling rain pitter pattered on the roof, and in our hearts.

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The Scent of Soil - II

Far away, so far, the green hills played out, masked by the eternally falling rain. the surface upon which she stood was of cloud, and ice. gently, a lattice of frozen liquid was tracing it's way up her hooves, but she felt no cold.

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Stretching Serling

The massage therapist's voice spoke softly over the gentle music, wind chimes and a deep xylophone of some sort playing over the sound of falling rain against leaves.

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Dynavwryn (chapter 1 and 2)

Something jarred me awake in the middle of the night, whether it be the falling rain and impending storm, or that i didn't have someone to hold me during this thunderstorm.

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Picking Up and Dropping Off

The sound of the falling rain was like a roar, filling up the streets as lightning flashed and thunder boomed.

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Lioness and Fox Pt. 4.5

The lioness watched through half lidded eyes, taking a deep breath that could barely be heard over the unrelenting hiss of falling rain.

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Those Who Soar. Chapter 4

The falling rain of the planet steamed off the barrel of my rifle. liquid water. it seemed so funny compared to beautiful ice on avalon. i shook the thought aside as we stalked forwards, growing closer to the floran fortified compound.

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Chapter 3 - Sisterly Love

Omega then begins to float up into the air, the wind from his wings as well as the falling rain beginning to snuff out some of the flames around on the trees. "i'm afraid i must retreat...

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Rory's Voyage

Grey clouds blotted out the morning sun, and a cold light-falling rain patted against the windows rory loved to look out of so much.

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A redemption of the soul

"i will never forget you, goodbye" she turned her back and took off into the miserable sky, her final sobs echoing muffled the slowly falling rain. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* spyro woke to the sound of birds singing, he jumped to his feet and looked

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Side story-Celty

The harsh falling rain alone pounded the metal of the trailers. the howling winds gently rocked the already unstable homes causing them to creak. the thunder was just another unwanted disturbance.

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