(D.X.) 2. Blue Eyes

If or when the subject has the spell broken (usually via a set of code words), the memories rush back, having an effect similar to traveling at 5-6 g's in a fighter jet, plus lowering the body's immune system to near-zero.

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Soldiers of War pt. 1 State of Emergency

They were pictures of aerial shots of what looked like russia or chinese made tanks moving in a convoy, an airfield of mig fighter jets and hind helicopters, and artillery guns. "where did these photos come from?" he asked.

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A Long Day's End

Gifted with large, well shaped wings that sweep back as they extend outwards, he is the equivalent of a fighter jet in flight. quick and deliberate, he is a well practiced master of aerial maneuvering.

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End of an Era. Sorry humans, you're planet has just been sold.

Right now at the city, military fighter jets were attacking the invader's vehicles. he watched as a squadron of f-18s fired missiles at one of the larger vehicles sucking humans into it.

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Shadow Stalkers: Weredragon Pt. 1

The remaining eight lishni fighter jets broke apart as shadow soared back into the cloud cover. she squinted through the murk, her head turning this way and that, trying to keep track of the swarming planes.

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SciFi, Nico and Pancho Meet a Friend From Far Away

And sure enough, two f16, kenyan air force, fighter jets pulled up along side the cruiser. one on each side. "shouldn't we be getting out of here?", nico asked.

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i pod love part 5

This room contained two small fighter jets with the team logo painted on them, one small helicopter and about four counters that had large drawers and double decker layering.

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Cult of Apothem

Even the most advanced fighter jets crashed uselessly off the end of carriers. missiles refused to launch, then blew up in their silos.

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Will They Ever Learn? Part 1 (First story ever!!! :D )

_** **_part 1_** _ _ with a heavy flick of my tail i arc round to the left in a sharp, high-g turn in an effort to shake off the f-14 fighter jet that now blasts across my nose.

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A Dragons Rescue. Memories

Joe says as yet another fighter jet goes screaming low over the city into the mountains not too far away from the small town. "i wonder what the hell is going on? why do they need to send that many jets into the mountains.

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Superiority Chapter 11

Six large jet engines could propel the craft at speeds of up to six hundred fifty knots, close to the speed of some slower fighter jets. the whole jet was armored, and covered in a radar absorbing material.

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It was like comparing a cargo and fighter jet. tom was shorter and stockier; the kid was taller and thinner. yet it looked like the fighter jet could hall just as much as a cargo jet and more.

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