Dragonfire, Pt2

Before reis stood his foster brother rinam. his white fur was matted with dirt, and his clothes were wet with what must have been spilt ale. "hello rinam. keeping out of trouble i see" said reis sarcastically.

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Cum Calling

The following story contains sexual acts between a sister (crab-eating raccoon) and foster brother (cozumel island raccoon) (semi-incest). anyone finding the content dissatisfactory or inappropriate, you have been warned: i don't care.

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Where He Belongs

The only people that felt bad for the fox were his teachers and his foster brother. he was an a student, mostly because he wasn't distracted with all kinds of delinquent friends like most teens were.

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.\> shi replied in both hir mate's minds, drinking the fluid and tongue wrestling with hir mate and foster brother.

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More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter Four

Summary: chara dreemurr, recovering slowly from their rescue at the hands of frisk a few years after the liberation of the monsters from the underground, struggles with guilt and the evil memories of the past as they face the prospect of reuniting with their foster-brother

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Cat in the Closet

The following story contains sexual acts between a sister and foster brother (semi-incest). anyone finding the content dissatisfactory or inappropriate, you have been warned: i don't care.

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More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter Two

Summary: chara dreemurr, recovering slowly from their rescue at the hands of frisk a few years after the liberation of the monsters from the underground, struggles with guilt and the evil memories of the past as they face the prospect of reuniting with their foster-brother

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Saving the Sha'khari 2 - The Hard Life and Mentoring

She tried to smile apologetically through her grimace, restraining the urge to cross the room and slap some tact into her foster-brother, "please ignore him."

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 23

Spyro gave an apologetic look to his foster brother. "where is incendio?" cynder called as she looked around. "i don't know" spyro confessed. "i have not seen him" "do you think that...?" cynder trailed off as he looked at the mountain.

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Conspiring Catherine

The following story contains sexual acts between a sister and foster brother (semi-incest). anyone finding the content dis-satisfactory or inappropriate, you have been warned: i don't care.

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the new guardians part five

brother back for all the kindness he's shown me and give him a place of peace to return to in stead of death an destruction every where we go" the young dragon whispered hopefuly with a smile on his face when the library torches lit all around him making

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Freshmen Year: Dark Pink

But now, in my drunken state, i felt the need to talk to my foster brother; to apologize for making his life hell: picking on him, calling him a fag, tormenting every chance presented.

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