Chapter 5

The akita spun around to find a male king cheetah standing before him. he was tall like many of his kind with a slim but a toned build. he wore an f.a.s uniform with a slash going through the paw badge. his hair was short but spikey.

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Collared and Changed (Snapshot story)

king cheetah, if anyone had asked, but the irony of his real species name seemed to go right over most people's heads.

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A Tail of Two Peoples - The Assassin Council and Their Seconds

She is a 'king-cheetah', where many of the spots on her coat are connected. **small bio:** sode'ria is the fastest assassin in the guild, and is known for her agility. this stems in part from her growing up on the parai.

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Temptingly Touchable

Close by, the inversely coloured skunk was just slipping into his own pair of boxer briefs, eyes fixated on the king cheetah and a delighted grin spread across his muzzle.

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 6: "Dances with Wuffs"

They were the markings of a king cheetah, frosty realized. and immediately after, it clicked. _king_cheetah. _oh, you've got to be kidding me._ one of the guards stepped forward and pulled open the carriage door.

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Vore Day '22 Quickie - Frosty v2

The two cheetahs made it up to their favorite camping spot about halfway up the tallest mountain (more a really really big hill) within day-trip range of town in late afternoon, panting just lightly with all smiles. "Always love spending a weekend...

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Ara's friends

The king cheetah seemed very small for a moment, trying to hide the fact he was shocked the quarterback was talking to him.

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 4

He used to be driven by the title of king cheetah, but he'd mellowed and become an entertaining son-of-a-bitch in the last few weeks he'd been with us. he'd also taken an interest in me, but i had yet to make anything out of it.

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Rough Day, Rough Night

The impala could see within a fraction of a second that the female king cheetah was decidedly not happy, and that was before she hurled her purse across the room with such force that it rattled the picture-frames upon the wall it crashed into.

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Treatise on Starwalkers

Similar to these creatures, south starwalkers also have black spots, that sometimes merge to create black lines, in a pattern known as a "king cheetah" pattern. in starwalkers, this trait is called "alpha starwalker".

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A Long Weekend - Part Two

Cowled in what looked like a pair of drapes... not just any drapes, but those from sigma's living room, the grey furred king cheetah hadn't noticed the impala's presence.

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