HM-05 Mystery of the Zodiac Mask

"we've been assuming that the catfish oni ghost is a normal person with a magical item. what if it is actually a magical person with a magical item boost? otherwise they wouldn't know how to use the magical item," vicky explained.

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The fox and the pixie

Maybe it would give some to him; maybe it would give him a magical item, to make the others feel joy and happiness. ¨oh that is quite simple¨ said the pixie, holding a strange box in his hand.

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Zodiac Blues - Leo

A lot of magical items had surfaced in the area and cancer swore that there was a big throwdown brewing over something he called sidus novum.

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Captain Landon of Monstertown

The same deviant gnome, who thanks to magic items survived many trips in and out of her huge bear pussy, also wanted to explore her other orifices.

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A Nice Catch

Someone who worked with magical items as taran must have had a storehouse of some sort, as well as a workspace...either one of those was likely to yield some loot.

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The Club (Part One)

Frysco remembered the horse asked him about magical items too. while he was willing to surrender his multi-tool, he wasn't so sure about the necklace.

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Pearls of Power

As the time ticks down until he potentially gets caught he finds that swallowing a magical item might not be the best idea. if you like my stuff, please head to my patreon!

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Hypnobear Week 2022: Bearbarian

That part chafed, he'd always hated having to pay others to look over magical items for him, he'd probably spend all of the money he'd just found in the chest to be honest.

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About Nyoka

She has acquired several defensive or movement-enhancing magic items and uses them to flee if pressed.

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[SNEAK PEEK]Try Before You Buy

"isn't surprise such a central part of trying out a new magical item?" "it's not always a pleasant surprise," rin said with an apprehensive scoff. that smile was inscrutable, but it wasn't hiding anything at the same time.

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Nick Wilde's Knockoff Scales

#5 of transformation works nick and judy go to investigate a shop selling "fake magical items" to book the owner with money laundering, and need to gather some evidence in the process. turns out some of those items may not be so fake after all?

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CE04 - basics

Non-living things generally turn into magic items, which is tremendously useful. scouting parties and dead parties always leave behind items that turn into magical tools.
