Fairy in the Moonlight

The fey girl giggles once more as the two continue their mating ritual, turning away and skipping off into the moon-lit forest. but, once she is far from where they make their love, she sighs and stares up to the moon through the break in the trees.

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Nature is Very Strange - Chessy Love Story Experiment

It all started last fall, his tribe was getting ready for the fall mating ritual and now that he was of age, he would be allowed to compete for a mate.

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Friends and Bob Demeaned (Original 2006 Version)

Well then bob answered, and kept trying his darnedest to communicate his various feelings, especially those dealing with what all he had since learned about the mating rituals of zebras. bob was there, he is as one of the zebra stallions!

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Poor Bob Demeaned (Re-Posted)

Well then bob answered, and kept trying his darnedest to communicate his various feelings, especially those dealing with what all he had since learned about the mating rituals of zebras. bob was there, he is as one of the zebra stallions!

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Part 4: Mates

What we did, i think, was a full mating ritual that let us bond to each other in a way that few couples ever experience.

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leave me alone ch1-2

He considered a moment that he interrupted a mating ritual. thinking this it might have been better to have observed this mating and when done take the meat. that way there will be more meat in the future. however what is done is done.

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Lore: Lupiad-Sirian Empire

Sirian mating rituals are very similar to the lupiads. the only key difference is that although they don't have a taboo about being publicly known as being a submissive partner, they are less prone to public displays of affection.

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The Folks in the Woods, Part 7: The Concept of Love

She knew the state she was in, and also what came along with it: participation in the mating rituals as soon as the sun went down.

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Jumbe and Sala: The Losts Chapter

Hyena mating rituals were very strange to her, especially since they were practically unknown to the rest of the kingdom. jumbe smiled, rolling onto his side, his leg lifted, presenting to her. the lioness blinked as she stared at his loins.

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King Takes All - Part 4

Mufasa had always insisted on being present to the diplomatic mating rituals so that any foul play could be prevented... the females expected scar would do the same for them in time.

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Taste of Fire: The Truth

Teya was curious now; she had never heard a circumstance in which a pokémon had evolved without a mating ritual of some kind. "then how did you evolve?" she asked. "by some very unfortunate events when i was a riolu that forced me to." he answered.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 28

"anyway, now that you and barnabus are done my son may i suggest we move onto the mating ritual?"

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