Daisy and Boss: 13.5 - Ring Ring...

"ouch! oh, my weekend was good, i worked, made some progress on a few cases i'm working on... you know, work..." he said, wondering why suddenly he felt so awkward. but the truth was, he had spent all week thinking about her. "ouch?"

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2/365 - Caged.

'ouch!' i saw my humans do a high-five. my tongue recoiled when i howled. 'ouch!' they seemed really pleased with what sound i made. "hello, mister lion, ser." 'hello, to you, too!' "what's your name?" 'percival.' "percy? cute name.

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The tails of joshua mikoto

While he hurry's to school like there is no tomorrow he accidently bumps into a girl and they both landed flat on their butts "ouch" "ouch" "sorry i'm in a hurry" "so am i i'm late for school" joshua gets up to help her he notices that

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"ouch." "sorry." "ouch!" "sorry." "ouch!" "well if you stopped squirming it would be easier to sew up your wound" "well maybe if you were a better doc- ow!" "sorry." he said trying to sound his most sincere.

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Fallen Sky: War of the Ancients Part 2

ouch. then she dropped it, letting it flop uselessly on the ground. ouch. he'd never want to go through that kind of pain. especially if he needed to be degendered to experience it. that just made it worse. much worse. ouch.

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Lightningstruck Griffin

Gretchen looked over at Grey and sighed dreamily. Like the other griffin girls, she dreamed of taking a flight with the guy of her dreams, and for her, that guy was Grey. He was sure of himself, kind, and very, very handsome. She was going to ask him...

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Dragon Gun Pain

**NOTE** - **Do not try this at home. Unless you are a dragon. With indestructible scales.** * * * Vissa looked at her husband Tenor who lay asleep across from her, breathing softly and peacefully in his rest. Vissa watched him admiringly, he was so...

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Summer in the City - Chapter 3 - The WALK

This is nothing' meanwhile in his head he was thinking ouch ouch ouch. they finally got to sid's house. 'thank you for walking me home and stuff.' alex said friendly 'no problem' ty said empty.

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Great Cause, Greater Pain

(4:00 EST) The stream begins. Harry the Hawk, Supermascot Rocky the Mountain Lion and Clutch the Bear stand in the middle of a rec center. The 3 of them are smiling, if a bit nervous about how the stream may go, but happy and full of enthusiasm. ...

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Kaysam, the 30th Shaman Squirrel

ouch!" kaysam removed a spore from the top of her head. "oh, no!" "well, hello, kaysam my child," said a voice. kaysam looked to see an old female squirrel. "it's me, redra, the first shaman squirrel.

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Pet swim: Lies

Neon's pussy.reds cock was big too big it was 48(1.2m) and neon was 6 inches deep also had a small body but red keeps on going pushing it in hard making neon moan in pain "stop it won't fit red please it hurts really bad" no it will fit in i'm not giving up "ouch

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 7. (Fever dreams)

ouch!!!! hot!!! " he had drank a bit of the soup on the spoon that she had hold in front of his mouth. „it has to be hot. otherwise it will not help. " „i know but..... ouch!!!! mhy..... thoungho..... hurths.... " he said with his tongue hanging out.