Dragon Storm: Chapter 3: Mission Description!

" the nuclear weapons disposal facility on dragon talon island in arcadia‘s dragon archipelago was attacked and captured by next-generation special forces, being led by members of black fang.

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The Invasion of Acacia: Chapter 1

His father had been in a very small, elite special forces group that saw action on four different planets.


space special ops

A honey badger- anthro from special forces wakes up in a hospital ship not knowing what is going on. he soon finds out what happened, but is barely aware of it. follow him and his new squad on the many missions they undertake in future stories.

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Forged in Fire, Chapter 1

I am the first woman to hold a major command posting in a united states special forces unit in an active combat zone officially on record, and i will not have my record tainted my a smear job, is that understood?" my heart stood still.

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Prologue

You are one of the elemental lords one of the twelve commanders that control the modd special forces and you are willing to help me steal one of the subjects you are supposed to protect? what if they find out? what about the other lords?"

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the Fox of Cendalath chapter one

"leon this is cluster we were in the special forces together and he owns this place." "hi nice to meet you," leon said extending his paw to shake. when they entered the room they saw it was filled with rare paintings of cendalath.

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Volkner- A Long Road: Chapter 1

Under their instruction special forces would a great fit for me; i'd fill my father's shoes, and pridefully continue to be the best our country had to offer. what could possibly go wrong...? everything.

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Soldiers of War pt 3 Three Rangers and a Princess

The north koreans had deployed their special forces! although the united states army rangers were tough soldiers, rumor has it the nksof were practically super soldiers.

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The Force

While all of this was going on the major would take a small group of special forces and enter the escape tunnels. they would proceed to the prisoner cells and rescue the girls that were being held.

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(CH1) From Soldier's Rifle, to Dragon's Wings (Book 1)

"yes, some special force team went in to kill some governor or something." i replied, trying to sound smart.   "dictator." she said.  

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Never lose hope part 5

"i was in the joint task force 2 back in canada, but i got transferred in 2002 here and joined the special forces which i'm still part of today.

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