The Hangover Cure

"not really," answered jack, even as he felt the sugar rush begin to take hold. "you"? being a cat, cam was rather sensitive to things like caffeine, sugar, catnip and so on and he gave no answer but to begin giggling uncontrollably.

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An Unexpected Evolution

Within was but a handful of customers, some with small children eager to have their sugar rush for the day. "how 'bout you two go pick out a booth and i'll get the orders for the three of us," stated candria.

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Halloween Trick

It still made them shake that a virus ridden sprite managed to make it into sugar rush and do such an awful thing with their princess. "i am going to go visit silver fillings" he finally said. and expected the face she gave. a face of fear. "silver?"

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Sweet Summer Fun - Spring -

With a slow lick of her broad tongue, she sensuously slurped the cream in one smooth stroke, the tip of her tongue curling up before she closed her mouth and shuddered, the joyous sensation of the sugar rush sending endorphins streaking through

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Primrose Valley: The First Trick or Treat

The idea of the forest faerie on the mother of all sugar rushes was frightening, then there was the matter of how sick he'd be after. or... would he? did calex even get sick? there was so much about the magical espeon that arzure didn't know.

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Sneak Treats

Maybe it was the power of the prospect of the sugar rush to come, but rae found the walk back from the kitchen far less taxing than the one that got him there, even with both arms full.

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Debauchery and Domination Chapter 1: Preparations and Perversions

On the other hand, pinkie pie was the personification of a sugar rush that never ended; personality-wise, the hyperactive girl had a rather uncanny similarity to sonata dusk...

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From the Ashes: Part 9, Matchmaker- part 2

She shifted in her seat, taking another sip of her sugar-rush-inspiring coffee, she just could not sit still. something distracted her from her musings, though.

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Just a growing boy

A sense of hyperactivity came over to the come, the cub was having his own version of a sugar rush. it has long been since the last time the boy had experienced one and his body was unused to the combination of caffeine and sugar combined.

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An Innocent Question

We can handle a sugar rush, we can handle being energetic and excitable. when i say coffee makes us hyper, i mean... well, remember the nighthowler incident? the drugs bellwether was using to make predators seem to turn savage?"

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Use as Directed

He didn't care much about it though as she jolted outside, the sugar rush hot on his heels. once he was outside the breeze of the looking down it seemed he was naked from the waist down.

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Party Drug

A feeling like a sugar rush rumbled in his head, and his body felt like it was going to overheat and burst.

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