Companions Chapter 17: Order

Because i had remained coherent throughout my worldly travels, i had completely forgotten to maintain contact with rovaun. when i emerged from varyl's body, my poor husband was desperately trying to re-establish a link.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 4 - Le Skunk Du Gabumon

#20 of the twelve talismans the twelve talismans: dimensional travels chapter 4 -- le skunk du gabumon (gabumon/fifi) to the world travellers, gym class was a welcome return to a semblance of normalcy.

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[c] Partners, ch 6

The winnings were nice, and there were lots of things she could have spent them on--frittering them away on gaudy trinkets and world travel, perhaps, or blowing them all on fancy clothes and sweet wines.

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 2 (Commission)

So you wanna be some world traveling photographer? like some kind of influencer?" he groaned at the 'job' she mentioned. just like his parents, everyone seemed to think that photography was easy and people just traveled around taking selfies.

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Storm Tossed

She noted that he also enjoyed just talking to her and began to wonder just what kind if lover this world traveler would be. "there's been only one thing missing," he continued, as they started on the cheese and wine. "someone to share it with.

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The Forgotten Past Book One

As demiza ancestors use to be demu, but demiza has the gift to turn any race on the world, but the aid the demu clan very much both in the spiritual world and their world, but like the demu they can world travel but the demiza capture humans they been watching


United Through Two Worlds Chapter 9

Michael said "here, waiting for something that may never come, or in your own world, travelling across the world and maybe finding a final place to rest" she was a bit scared from what he was saying, she had to ask "what are you thinking?"

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Cabin Boy: A Kidnapping

Leaving your homes, sailing the world... travelling to exotic places." tilting his head orel squeaked, that wasn't the answer he'd been expecting.

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Planet Nine: The Emerald Lagoon

"this one is an off-world traveler that has wandered into your domain, which is probably how he managed to get here in the first place.

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Winter Harvest

"no more of this world traveling for me." he promised himself. "around here, i'm the biggest and the strongest. all those tigers, bears, wolves, and mountain lions can go to hell."

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"can't be a world traveller if you aren't an adventurous eater. well, i guess you could, now, what with all the mcdick's everywhere." the rhino stretched, bending backwards to crack his spine. "so why aren't you eating well?

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Discoveries in Dealings

"well, hello there my handsome misplaced world traveler." vala teased. chuckling a little and instead of talking business we talked about far more pleasurable things. the second i started to yawn, vala kindly ordered me to hang up and go to bed.

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