Rising Anew -Chapter 11, Family and Learning"

#10 of rising anew rising anew - chapter 11, family and learning- slowly the sound of feet padding down the stone hallway brought narina into the world of the conscious again. she sat up with a grimace as her head pounded her back down.

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But anews didn't worry about such things.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 8, part 1-

#25 of rising anew rising anew -chapter 8- the sunlight filtered through the roots hanging at the entrance to the cave. slowly flicking its tail, a tiny green lizard scurried onto a rock as the sun alighted on it.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 4. part 2-

Rising anew chapter 4 continued. the air in the clearing grew very still. narcenac could hear his own heart beating in his chest. he could hear the heavy drunken breathing of the man.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 4,part 1-

#18 of rising anew rising anew chapter 4 it was raining heavily. it had been doing so for the past three days. it had been four days since narcenac and narina had left purrma's old house.

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Big Brother's Room

anews must have grabbed a shower before bed, i decided.

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Rising Anew -Chapter 10, Old Enemies cont.-

#11 of rising anew rising anew -chapter 10, old enemies cont.- narcenac heard each peel of the battle bells grow quieter as he ran. those blades of death clashed over and over and he was left wondering how his grandfather was fareing.

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Rising Anew -Chapter 10, part 1-

#30 of rising anew rising anew -chapter 10, old enemies- "he's close... i can feel him..." papaw whispered to the snows as he stopped up ahead of the rest. he scanned the trees for the danger he knew was near at hand.

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Yeah... > > i know what it's like to be a cat. > > anews had spunked off, all over the garden door. i had that fucking furvert now! > > "anews! ah-nooz!"

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Love of a Hero 7: Anew

The following is a work of fiction. Character's are based off people I know and are copyright to me, Desert Mutt. This section contains sex with a slight twist. Anyone reading this story is aware of this and responsible for their own actions. ...

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Chaper 4 - Life Anew?

#3 of genesis chapter 4 â€" life anew "skye, wake up!" lucas' voice echoed through his head. "wha... what?" skye replied groggily sitting up. "are you okay?" lucas asked. "peachy," "well can you move?" he asked.

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Starting Anew Chapter 4

#4 of starting anew sorry for the delay folks, you'll see the reason behind it in my journal. all's a bit well now, so i'll whack out this next chapter and get onto the next one.

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