SnowFall, Chapter 1: Light Snow

The first chapter of SnowFall, let me know what you think about it. This story will progress with mild yiff so I'm sure you all will be happy when those scenes come up. (Like in the next chapter.) Vote and...

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Dragon Hunter, Chapter 5

The fifth chapter of Dragon Hunter, slowly reaching the climax and the end of the series, can you guess what will happen next? Vote and...

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Lost Soldier: 9, New Life

Slowly Mike would pry his eyes open, that 'party' from the night before had really taken a toll on him, he couldn't remember the last time he had stayed up so late just having a good time; without remembering his team that is. With his eyes now open he...

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Purgatory -Rough Draft/Arrival-

'We have some celebrities here boys and girls' the voice over the intercom would echo as the shipped rocked back and forth through the pull of the gravity from the nearby sun. Those within the ship would all be seated and none to happy as they shook...

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Immortals: Chapter 1, Childs Play

Here's the first full chapter of this new series, with this I will be working once again on Demon's Within since I made this very long I believe I can now focus on Demon's Within. Like Demon's Within the Intro is in the first Chapter as well kind...

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Immortals: Intro

For those of you that haven't noticed I'll tell you now, I like keeping humans in my stories for the purpouses of keeping them in the loop. Here's a new story that's been one of the few that's been crowding my mind, I've written more than this...

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Prequel (No Name Yet)

The darkness was illuminated by the fires of destruction; the scars of battle that marked the earth would never heal as the battle raged on as the final stand of a proud people. Rifle muzzles illuminated the rubble around as the sound of the gun fire...

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This little Mexican stand-off was something that I didn't feel like dealing with. People these days only wanted to take what wasn't there's, normally guns, food and ammo. Anyone who had these were fair game in their eyes, hand it over or get killed....

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Dogs! (Renamed)

In all the time that I have lived, I found myself to be in what could only be called idle. Walking through my life with no purpose and no direction, simply going through the movements with no end in sight to the staleness that was my boring and...

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Rain Sequel: The Happy End

Lisa slowly stepped into the house with several grocery bags in her arms, her husband Jason following her with several more bags in both of his arms. The front door was closed with Jason's left foot and the kitchen is where he met up with his wife who...

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Here's a short story that I actually had a dream about, weird but it's true. It's a tragedy that has a hopeful ending, and there's no yiff in this one, sorry but you'll live. Let me know what you thing like all the others through votes and...

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