The Scent of a Lover Part 9

**Hello Everyone! My 9th part of my series is completed! Yes! Well anyway this part will be more about humor between of lovers, Collin and Talbain, or will it? This story will be in both of their views and we will meet long lost charcters like Lindsay...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 6

**Woot! Part 6! Hey guys thanks for all of the advise and views especially from ZyferWulf and aacid! Thanks! ^\_^ Anyway in this story it will pop in and out of Collin's and Talbain's views so be prepared for some confusion, just look for the brackets...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 8

**Hello my friends! its time for the 8th part of my** **Scent of a Lover series! I know I made a small announcement that my computer has a small virus and must be fixed and I might not get it back for a week. I found a way around it but I still want...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 5

**Hey I'm back! And with part 5! This part will be in Collin's view and we will learn his past. Based on the way of how these stories are being written i can guarantee that there will be at least 10 parts to this stories so it looks like i have alot...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 4

**What?! Part 4 already?! Yes i know its a bit soon to write the next story but to be honest i was very disappointed about how part 3 turned out. There were alot of grammar mistakes because my computer was lagging and i am sorry today my computer is...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 3

**Part 3 is done HAZZAH! lol. Thank guys for all off the favs, watches, and stars I really appreciate them. I have to say again if you guys think i need any writing advise or tips on my stories i will improve them. This part will be in Talbains view...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 2

**Hi guys Castro Talon here! Thanks for watching my first part I appreciate the views and the favs! I hope I won't let you down! Anyway in this section your going to meet my second main character and some humor! Again anything you guys think i should...

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Watcher of the World, Speaker of Peace

How can you describe life? Majestic? Beautiful? Full of opportunity? It is a simple cannot be described in a single word, that if anything is certain in this world. I have lived life and known its beauty and its hate for itself..... I...


The Scent of a Lover Part 12

**Wow! Part 12! thank you all** **for watching, loving, favoriting, and voting**! **In this part it will feature 2 characters from another story here I love! S**** ilnis's characters from the Dark Angel series, Silnis and Kain, will appear in this...

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A New World Part 1

A New World Sitting nervously on an airline seat a boy plays with his thumbs and looks deeply at the red carpet in front of him. He looks at it so intensely it was like he could see the fabrics that make it. It was almost like he was looking...

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The Rich and The Poor Part 13

(Yuuta's view) Ahh theres something about the sea that is so attractive to me. Is it its mystical colors of blue? The open freedom it brings? All the mysteries underneath its waters? I am a tiger and a natural born swimmer. Swimming was one of...

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The Rich and The Poor Part 12

(Yuuta's view) The only sound that was made was the crunching of paper in my hand. I just stood there, lifeless, breathless, and speechless at what Castiel told me. I was frozen, I couldn't move. I wanted to scream in horror but my throat felt like...

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