Dragon Storm: Chapter 24: Yun vs. Cross Wing!

Author's Note: Hey there. Here I am at the end of the day. I have been moving my stuff all day and finally have the time to relax. As I sit here pondering about Dragon...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 26: Bonds!

Author's Note: Hey again! ^\_^ I have met some very interesting others here on this site. They are really cool! Just to let you guys know, you are about more then...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 25: Back to Back, A Fight to the Death!

Author's Note: Hi again! I am going to try my whole ACSII artwork idea again. Now that Sofurry can take things right off of Microsoft word maybe it will work now,...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 23: Shocking truth! Rio’s last legs!

Author's Note: Hello again! The whole moving thing is going about very, very slowly, but surely. In the meantime, I have been playing on my PS3. I have just beat...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 21: Necro the Shunned, Cross Wing's Strike, and Rio's Ultimate Choice, Life or Revenge!

Author's Note: Hello again! ^\_^ I am sorry about the last chapter. I know there were a lot of flashbacks and not enough action, but I figured you guys must have been tired with all the fighting happening lately. (Chapters 16, 17, 18, 19) Also I hope...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 22: Amy’s Dogma and The Consequences of Betrayal!

Author's Note: I managed to find the time to squeeze in another chapter! Please enjoy! XD -PREVIOUSLY ON DRAGON STORM- Just then, Amy jump into the air from behind Cross Wing and tried to pounce on her, however it was no use she ducked...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 4:Stronghold events unfold!

Arthur's note: Here is another chapter of Dragon Storm for you guys! I would like to say a few things. First I would like to apologize for my absence as of late. I got caught up in a few things and was unable to get to the nearest computer near me...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 3: Mission Description!

Arthur's note: Hey everyone! I am back with another chapter of Dragon Storm! I am very happy to see it coming along so smoothly! Thanks for standing by for a new chapter. I will do my best to have them up weekly. I have noticed that when you look for...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 2: Mission briefing!

Arthur's Note: Hello again! I didn't think Chapter 1 of Dragon Storm would turn out as well as it did, but to my surprise it did! First off, I would like to thank all the viewers for taking the time to read my story as I am sure it is not the...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 1: Enter Rio and Lazz!

Author's note: Hey everyone, this is going to be my first story, so if you see anything wrong I do apologize. Also I am unsure what rules must be met before gaining an approval, but I will try my best. If anyone knows where I could go to look...

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Zombie Crisis: Chapter One: Streets of the Dead!

I decided to write something different, something that will hopefully take my mind off of Dragon Storm. Dragon Storm has a slow paced progression to it's name. I'm planning on making this story short and slightly faster paced. This story is about...

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Zombie Crisis: Chapter Two: Lost Firearms!

I thought to myself, "I don' know what to do. They can't be trusted." The more the outbreak progressed, the more chaotic things became. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted it to all stop, but it only got worse. Even with all my trainings......

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