A Dragon's Love: Curiosity

The Goddess smiled down at her swollen belly, something she wore from time to time as she remembered carrying Valor in her celestial womb. She stroked the bare flesh for a moment in memory. She was a goddess, and he was a god. At this particular time...

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A Dragon's Love: Keto

Everyone was happy. Everyone was excited. Everyone was cuddling. Except for him. Keto walked through the wood surrounding the lake with downcast eyes and a drooping tail. He was sure he was forgotten. Walking to a small grotto of vines and trees a...

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A Dragon's Love: Exploration

She had taken a break to tend to her people, the inhabitants of the world she had so joyously created so many eons ago. Taken a break to go back to work... the thought amused the Goddess of Aslennor as she settled down in the deepest recesses of her...

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Hunter's Celebration

The time Hunter had spent in the stables with his steed, Guard-Captain, and Father was not the last. That act had sparked a fire in the young stag herm that could not be put out. He bent over every female he could get his hands on, and bent over for...

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Hunter's Dream Come True

It was a small kingdom nestled in a vast forest and mountain range, far secluded from the world. For generations, stags had ruled over the kingdom as King, lording over the land and it's occupants with compassion and strength. Several years before...

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Vengence Springs

This is another comission for Mystery-Guy, so it's not quite what I usually do, but pretty close :) Hopefully you all will enjoy this as much as I did writing it. The characters do not belong to me! Nope! Felicia (c) Copyright to Capcom. Leo (c) every...

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June, July, Draco

This story is a little different from my norm, but not by so much that I did not enjoy writing it immensly. This story is a comission for Mystery-guy. The characters portrayed therein are (c) Copyright to him. I do not own either of the individuals...

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Candy and Chocolate

She had always gone by Candy, but her mother called her Candice. She was never accepted at home and had quickly taken up Pokemon training if only to keep her travelling, keep her moving from place to place before she was shunned for her...

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Star Wars- Knights of the Old Republic - Hyperspace [KOTOR AU]

The Ebon Hawk drifted through hyperspace, on its way from Korriban to Manaan. The Jedi Starglin Xiver and his party had just uncovered the first Starmap on their journey to discover whatever this 'Star Forge' was that the Sith Lord Malak seemed to have...

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Star Fox: Mercenary Action

The battle had been too easy. Only one battleship and a single flight of fighters had stood in the way. Sargasso Space Hideout itself was empty, scans showed only a single life form onboard. The Arwing entered the docking tunnel and slowly turned on...

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Letters From Home

"Lieutenant! You've got a holo!" The voice over the intercom was the ship's quartermaster, the one who took care of everybody onboard the super-carrier as it drifted through it's long tours off-planet. The receptacle beside the door clicked and the...

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Brave: Epilogue

It had been the hardest, longest three days of her life. All because of a gaffe witch and her gammy spell. But they had broke it. Three days of struggle, three days of changing, they mended the bond. And they had bonded closer to each other. Merida...

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