void main
The ballgag was stuffed in his mouth, and the knife made short work of his boxers, leaving him spread eagle and naked just like in the movie.
Luke's Kitten
When he realized that wasn't going to work, he tried to speak, but of course thanks to the ballgag that was useless too. knowing exactly what the cat wanted, luke decide to have a little fun. "is something wrong, kitten?
Caleb's Predicament!
All while the lupine grunts as he dislikes having the ballgag tighten even more. "that's better, isn't it guys?" seath comment's back at his teammates while laughing at caleb.
Magical Nights: An Expansive Ride
He screamed for help but he was cut off as a ballgag was crammed into his mouth. he was trapped!
Gravitational Attraction
A fat orange ballgag squirmed its way behind his teeth, and raiko made damn sure the straps were pulled taut. "a god, sweetheart. yours. you already chose your own fate the moment you rebelled against me.
Room Service
The ballgag was fitted and strapped tight into place, kissing the dragon's cheek again, pressing his hard shaft against his thigh. its wearer was bent unsteadily over the bathtub.
"Free and relaxing" holiday
He felt with his tongue and it seemed like he had a similar ballgag inside! he tried to move, but he felt his arms securely tied behind his back!
Gym Part 2: Workout
The d-rings set into each of the bedposts clashed a bit with the d辿cor, though, as did the ballgag lying one of the bookshelves. "awake, pet?"
Don and Jake - Chapter 11
As the white wolf continued laughing hysterically into his rubber ballgag, don set up a second machine, almost identical to the one already in use but shorter and with two brush-tipped arms, and flipped it on.
The Wolfess
He unlocked and removed her ballgag, letting her gurgle out a weak, "...fucking pussy... can't even fight me like a real man..." the ox stifled a laugh. "why would i want to fight you if i already won?
Ace's bondage
Ace screamed in denial behind the ballgag that was in his mouth. he shook all over as he started to hump again. he whimpered, hoping that his friends would rescue him soon... just then, a female dragon came in.
The dungeon| Week 6 BPWW
"well, i guess i can already use that room, show you it's not the best idea to shave your boss' chest..." he said, lifting the ballgag to her mouth.