Getting What You Asked For

"you mean non-binary?" hurricane huffed, placing a firm hand on the beaver's shoulder. "yeah, my sister's non-binary. well, i should say my sibling, huh?" a deep chuckle came from hurricane that made ari smile as well. "that's great!"

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 12

"because she makes more sense than some fracking, bi-polar, binary bit-head of a geeky computer," the unicorn nickered. "ma systems are positronic, not binary ye twit." "aw... did i hurt the poor computer's feelings?

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A Frigid Digiday

As she flew in she saw lines of data flying by her, binary coding and complex mathematical formulas.

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The Seasons Change… As Will I

Trimming my brow simple things that i want to start to maintain as i go for a new look still i try to put on some eyeliner like i've seen in photo books i'm just trying to go for a look that fits me now that i've broken out of the binary

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Red Twilight world walker Chapter 15

Cross squawks "what is 'gender' and 'binary.' ?"

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Duel of the Hackers: Chapter 2

"binary city!" the horse cried out, whimpering softly. "they're in binary city, that's all i know!" "that's...correct," the orca confirmed with a nod. "that's the only place we've ever met them. binary city." binary city.

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What about binary fission? (prologue)

#1 of what about binary fission 12:00 a.m. axiomn laboratories john's breathing increased; fear began clawing at his mind like a rabid animal. he knew he was going to die. that was the one thing he was sure of.

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The Ghost Inside You

You will become a binary system of love that will last through the eons. gather your loved ones and hold them close, if you do then you too will carry on into the future.

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Tales of Zootopia: Wynn

When they were only five years old, they found out that they were non-binary, agender specifically, their parents tried to force them to look, act and talk like a stereotypical boy.

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Alternity: One

David "binary" foster, one of our existing androids, greeted copper as we left and the two artificial lifeforms exchanged words before the conversation petered out.

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Zero Zero One.txt

100110101101001. . .with 2 simple numbers I can make you a king, or ruin your life. . . I could rule the world, but revenge works just as nicely. 10:50 am. . . I break into the wirebox, my laptop is humming away and I have only 10 more minutes to...

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Two Dads and a Boy - Prolog

Yeah, i'm not completely a guy by normal gender binary standards. i guess a cruder term for it would be "cuntboy".

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