The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 7 The Rematch

Warturtle came at him with an ice punch but rockie intercepted him by responding to his attack with an brick break. he then punched him with his free hand using brick break, making the turtle to fall on his back.

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 6

As i put my hand on the door handle i noticed something on the bricks. i put the bicycle down and moved closer, leaning over the railing a bit to examine it.


In The Land of Ancients: Chapter 1

There were brick columns, two out of the six lay in wrecks, bricks piled upon the ground where they once stood. and past them, a small red barred door. i decided to take my front option, padding over to it as i placed both my paws against it.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 04

brick was coming. blocking any escapes back to the shuttle "hello tucker. brick." he looked at theo. "mister laramie." he motioned for them to join him inside the mercury proper. tucker hesitated.

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Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 16

Here, though, this was a fight, a fight that the brick red creature wanted to start, and she was going to make sure to finish it.

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Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 5

Finding strong opponents was one of the brick red dragoness's favorite things to do, and here she never forgot a fight she lost, and never forgave one either.

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2593, Chapter 14

brick and brack were going crazy trying to find who had caused the explosion. he'd heard them scream at each other. and everyone else was looking at each other suspiciously.

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Stealing Power

Zresh immediately started digging through brick after brick, flinging them into the walls. ander followed suit, searching through the perimeter of the mountain in case the orb somehow rolled away.

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Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 11

Having her attention fully on dreega the blue queen didn't notice the sight of the brick red dragoness already climbing to her feet.

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DDD Day 18 Mbraka's New Slave No Blood

He watched as the pharaoh walked to her dresser, made of woven reeds, and opened the bottom drawer... pulling out a simple, red brick.

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DDD Day 18 Mbraka's New Slave

He watched as the pharaoh walked to her dresser, made of woven reeds, and opened the bottom drawer... pulling out a simple, red brick.

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