Apocalypse: Branch Chapter two

From what i heard the few forces we could get together either got overwhelmed by zombies or forced to retreat from the chinese. i hadn't heard anything about russians when i got separated." "so this is all part of a chinese invasion?"

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Die Role - Ch 5

The vixen passed her hand over the discarded wrappings, and chinese words and symbols became visible on them. "yes, it is just a common book of chinese poetry.

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My master, my lover

Bright moonlight shone over the great chinese palace. the young lion prince, named alex, sat inside his room next to his friend spiro the fox. they had been friends for years, and were in a relationship once.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:30 Funny Sh*t

"(t)this is like the eqivilant of putting on a bad chinese accent and yelling fried rice-a-bunch. it`s just racist dude! (m)mario can do chinese!(t)oh god, please no! \*power-up sound\*" everyone laughs so hard, they start to cry.

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Apocalypse: Chapter Six

The others came out of hiding and started searching the trucks for any clue as to what chinese troops were doing in on u.s. soil. we tied the five soldiers together on the flatbed so they couldn't move.

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Once, some time ago, we had a genuine pair of chinese guardian lion statues, in stone.

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Special Access - Chapter 4

Perhaps a chinese ballistic missile sub returning from patrol, hu speculated.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 37

Very few foreigners have been able to master the chinese language. it is a rarity for a disrespected half-breed such as me to serve such a well-educated and noble lady.

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My Great Big Brother - Epilogue

The chinese wouldn't just waste troops on a suicide strike unless they had a cohesive plan in place."

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Long Cat

The restaurant was a chinese themed one, complete with two chinese dragons meeting each other over the archway. luna thought the place was a little odd, but the scent of chinese food easily made him hungry.

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Death's Hand

She will be forever heralded as the ender of the chinese war. the crew were praised for the clean operation.

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Ocean Depths part 5

"i brought chinese." the otter offered shutting the door behind him. his voice was hesitant, as if he were trying to give a peace offering. "in the living room....bring the chinese."

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