The Lead Crown: Ch 7b, Fallen Idols (Pt 4)

She stroked the cog gently, looking down at it as she did so. the tribal wolf flicked an ear. "what does that mean?" dr. brownell looked up, moving to stand by aodhan before offering up the ring to him.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Crumbs

He seeks the cogs and gears of the house and rival demons. he collects and tutors what lost souls he can, but on occasion, loses one to the demons, or their transformation into one.

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A Little Too Cavalier

Bobert lowered his goggles as the huge cog was lowered to the ground and was released from the electric grasp. as soon as it hit the ground, the cog rotated around him, advancing slowly at first.

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Shadows of Elysium, Mechanics explanations

Their society is a giant system of cogs that all the cogs try to manipulate. forest, rain forest, jungle. aven: they form very simple governments. for peacetime decisions, consensus rules the day.

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02 Mindless

.= there is so much more to be than just another insignificant, mindless cog in the system. but only you can bring yourself to be those things. only you can choose between mindful and mindless being. choose wisely.

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The Fallout 1

It looked like a giant cog had been inserted into an enormous metal wall, and then pulled out, leaving a giant cog shape in it. the steps led up to a platform that crossed over through the giant gap and into the actual vault beyond.

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Wheels and Gears that Turn

As i look at is it was like lightening struck the imagination machine within my head and the cogs begin to move. slowly at first then gaining speed like a run away locomotive.

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Inside that office where only two cogs in the overall machine and they together would hunch over video footage, charts of date, and handwritten notes from the testing to decide where she would be placed.

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Wheels and Gears That Turn

As i look at is it was like lightening struck the imagination machine within my head and the cogs begin to move. slowly at first then gaining speed like a run away locomotive.

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Cthulhu's Grasp

Become one of his kind, twisted form melts into mist, my spirit bursts like putrid cyst, follow him into abyss, the old world i no longer miss, blindly serve the mind of hive, great old one now keeps me alive, in his machine i'm but a cog

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Gears of War: Engine of War chapter 2

Below, he could see old wreckage of cog vehicles here and there...scars left by the war.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6a, A World Apart (Pt 4)

He reached for the cog ring he left laying on the simple wooden nightstand next to the bed and, before putting it on he held it in his fingers and simply stared at it.

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