Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 40

"sai," he said again, jerking his head like someone trying to get rid of an annoying crick in his neck. "what happened?"

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Lost in the Woods 05: One Good Turn...

He turned his head so fast that he cricked his neck. terror flooded through him as he saw an unpleasantly familiar, tall, dark figure emerging from the trees. it was blackwargreymon.

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The Warehouse's Haunts 3

There was a slight crick, the sound not quite loud enough to be called a crack. she knew what it meant, though; the chassis was starting to snap, and that meant that it would take even less effort to pull rosalyn's head right off.

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Eden Station Pt. 1

Brad slipped his cock back into his pants and cricked his neck, stretching and sighing. "so, i already got your work order, woulda been on plumbing duty, glad you got this stud huh?"

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Penetrative Infiltration 3

Shaking his head, he collapsed the spell around himself, feeling the crick-crack sensations of his bones altering, pulling in tightly and then sinking into his contracting flesh.

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Forgotten Memories: The New Guardian

cricking his neck, viberian stood tall at the approaching green-scaled guardian. although terrador was smiling, the shadows under his eyes and lines that creased his face showed the true toll this place had.

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VigoRx - 3.2 - Baling

He asks with a mischievous sparkle.standing straight for a moment, jaw cricking perplexed and making samuel's body bob with laughter all the more, brett stares at samuel.

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Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 4/8)

He cricked his neck around, eliminating the kinks. he turned on his computer. it quickly started, and he logged in. dylan snuck a quick look at xavier on the bed, who quietly snuffled in his sleep.

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Dishonesty is the Worst Policy

My hands and feet were bound and my neck had a serious crick in it. the only thought on my mind was, where is my brother? i refused to lose him. he and can't be apart. we can't. ever. don't these people know what'll happen if this continues?

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When Your Boss "Likes" You....

* * * jace felt sore unhinging himself from his bent over position, arms having been unbound and thus allowing him to stretch his cricked bones and set them back into place after yet another night of getting pounded into.

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Slayer or Layer 14

Praying that it was the one that the lizardman had sent him to, lorkos stumbled to his feet, shivering as he felt the crick-crack of scales slinking down his legs, pushing down to his heels and pushing up along his chest to just under his nipples.

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