Zombiology - Grizzly Bear

Giving a fearsome roar, the dethroned king swatted the bold pest, which crumpled at his touch.

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Revelations

Wouldn't that just mean she dethroned or killed the original one?" anon asked tortimer again. "no anon... it doesn't work like that.

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New Journey Chapter 47: Ambition

"soon, we will dethrone the tyrant and bring the world into a new age of peace." "for fucks sake. explain it slow." soul complained. "there is no time. heatran has the power to entomb us in this mountain.

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Strange tidings, even for a demon (Chapter 2)

To dethrone the boss? our boss? i've seen insane humans on both sides of the rift, but you take the cake granthor. you know i couldn't betray, much less help lead a revolt against boss." "then, the girl dies."

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Merran - job interview

"so give me one reason why i shouldn't have you dethroned as the very sort of self-serving political you claim to despise?" and that was when vaahn shot her. "it hurts, doesn't it?"

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Tribes Mythos Simplified

After his blinding, he became the god of blind pride, and was dethroned. after the threefold wars, he has gone into exile into the realm of the dead, not speaking to the priests that call to him. his holy sigil is the all knowing eye.


Sonic: Slave - Act II

He was the absolute ruler, and no one dared try to dethrone him. despite this, many of the animals of mobius didn't really mind the change.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Fifteen

Their affectionate grins told me yes, but i could simply not predict what their behavior might be like when the dethroned alpha returned. their behavior might change. the conflict tore at me.

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[Story] Sed the Elder of Issad: In Abun - By Kalibran

You can't just dethrone someone appointed by the gods." the priest's explanation was cut short by a clattering of feet and metal, and he found himself held down against the wall by sed, the flat side of a dagger nestled just underneath his chin.

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Don't go near the riverbank Pt.4 - The hunting party

To the canines surprise however the felines had a proposition for them, as it turned out ubudala was getting old, still able to hold his own in battle and was not likely to be dethroned anytime soon, but this meant two things.

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Two Lives

Already overeager from beforehand, i foamed at the mouth in anticipation to get out there now and dethrone him. unfortunately, two cars still had to clock time before i could.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 17

She held her cards up to harry's face, certain that the self-titled 'king of poker' had finally been dethroned. but harry brushed them off, still grinning like an idiot. an idiot that probably had the winning hand yet again. "three aces, huh?

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