Rise of the Broodlord
Please emer, don't leave me. i need to mate." emer was so aroused at this point he was only able to grunt out a simple hoarse reply, "yes. you are perfect." kembug felt an almost palpable sense of relief as emer returned to her.
Lonely Oak Chapter 29
emeral took his book while he dumbly took the papers.
Raspberry Line Chapter 6 - hTife
emeral waded through the crowd, as if through a murky swamp of reeds, kelp and driftwood.
Lonely Oak Chapter 47
emeral chimed, and then insisted; "i wanna spot." cassie nodded, "okay, you and ket switch roles." emeral positioned her hands to begin spotting.
Lonely Oak Chapter 52
"that's emeral, and he's ket," she introduced. emeral had her hands on her knees, and she stood up straight, trying to assert herself.
Lonely Oak Chapter 68
His hand tore from emeral's and he latched onto the side of the car.
Lonely Oak Chapter 13
The noise caused her to squeak and fall, which in turn caused the line--emeral included--to laugh. ket departed away as emeral drew close to being next. he went to the cargo net and started climbing.
Lonely Oak Chapter 121 - By Whom History Is Written
emeral questioned, standing up. "we walk home every day," she told mr. pretty. "emeral," the principal leaned over, resting his hands on his knees, his tie dangling down.
Lonely Oak Chapter 36
Days that emeral already wished could last forever.
Lonely Oak Chapter 24
She waited as emeral approached the door and knocked. emeral struck the door with her left hand several times, and waited. when there was no response, she sighed heavily and struck the door again.
Lonely Oak Chapter 94 - Bubble'n'Squeak
emeral abandoned her stance, trying to quell the visible signs of her agitation. "i--i'm s-s-sorry," the voice timidly squeaked. "hang on," emeral spoke, trying not to let out the shakiness in her own voice.
Lonely Oak Chapter 39
emeral looked at the girls suits first. she smiled; none of them looked as good as hers, she thought.