Wondering winds

Viral greasers, that about explains the wet sum of all things, drugs became the new habit when you could augment yourself legally as to the shola; who harvest bodies and made the goods they controlled the economy provided such services.

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The Dragons of Smaller Dens

Just how would their social strata and economy work? in many portrayals, dragons are hoarders of precious gems and treasures. if dragons hoard and live as long as they are portrayed to, then what do they leave behind for future generations?

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Lycanthropy Liquids

But for the locals of this small town, they came to appreciate the growing business and the rising economy this shop brought them. now within a large and rich city, "lycanthropy liquids" is looking to expand. what will they sell next?

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Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 11: Operation you don't screw with earth

Ugh with the recent down spiral of the economy on a slow recovery, i couldn't blame him. a white human male came out of the store with some paint cans which he stacked on some supplies.

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Superhero Setting - History

At the same time minorities are being blamed for every failing of the economy, even as said economies break under the strain of internal corruption.

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Making a New Mount

_the economy is horrible, hell, even the top breeders are struggling to find reasonable prices for their sales.

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Sergal Tails 4

Taking blaze's dream to mind, they had bought an office to open up their own detective agency, where starlah brought in customers, midnight handled the economy and blaze stood for solving and cooking for them.

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Yaz Buraldkin, the first King of Abun

In that period, the enitians signed a truce with the sul'ashan, since the previous war that they fought with them lasted 24 years, and heavily affected both the countries in their economy and conditions, but after the assassination of an important enitian

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 12.

"and it blew corporate greed, and it blew the politicians who have drained our economy. it's the lack of personal responsibility." "oh!" the crowd said. "that is so true. i never thought of that," a man said.

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Declaration of Indignation

Paid, this instigation of your own path laid, what other expectation could you have made, you must pay for this treason, let truth be the reason, tolerate not one more season, of this opressive evils lesson, using government to take our capital, economy

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Entropy - Chapter 1, Part 2

Kid's meal would be about 20 dollars in the current state of the economy, last time i checked. looking at 80 dollars if i'm including me and joan... of course she'll be mooching off of me. easier for her to do that than get a fucking job, the lazy cow.

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