Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 5

Sure that made sure everypony got something, but what if somepony was allergic to an ingredient? nope they should have different but easy to make meals for everypony. selene was about ready to teleport to donut joe's for something decent.


13: That Price to Pay

everypony looked over to the new stallion and gave him their full attention. "if everypony would kindly follow me." he said._ _the group followed the stallion and they soon reached a large room with a stage at the far end.

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35: Hope, Part 2

everypony watched as shining approached the shield surrounding aj, big mac, and nightshade, and to everypony's shock he ceased his spell and the shield dissipated into thin air. "what are you doing? they're dangerous criminals!" polaris shouted.

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06 - Observations

The others rose sleepily and everypony moved through the dusty supply shops of dodge junction in an effort to pick up last minute supplies.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6

I imagine everypony will feel much better once you've had a chance to eat and drink something, and it will let me get everypony's side of the story."


27: Investigation

Dashing back inside, everypony waiting outside heard vinyl yell "tavi, wake up!" as she charged upstairs to wake up her friend.

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Interlude: Fixing Friendship

With all of the lights on stage dimming except for one keeping octavia lit, the earth pony mare began to play by herself, everypony's attention on her.

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It was at this point everypony knew exactly what he was referring to and stared at rarity who feigned innocence. "what?" she asked defensively as if she had no idea what everypony was looking at her for.

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Personal Growth

Had everypony run away from her even before she got there? oh no, her worst fears were coming true.

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Sleepover Party

"they settle down after a while, once everypony goes to sleep." snails chuckled. "now, coming to bed?" featherweight looked back up, and nodded, "h-how do i get in?"

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