Under the Macroscope - 3

Infinitely more complex than anything that's ever been assembled by furkind. they self-replicate. they create matter. they can modify and sustain a single person nearly indefinitely." "modify?"

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Taurine's Night Shift - Chapter 1

Yet in the face of adversity, of possible annihilation, furkind draws together to defend itself. to survive. ... and since this is a dissident love story, there just might be some fun, naughty times to be had along the way.

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Tales of Furope: The Fall of The Dirtscribe

It's an onion festival, one of the most disgusting festivals known to all of furkind, but because this story is set in medieval times, only joshiah the dirtscribe seems to notice the smell and horrible taste.

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Delivering More Than Expected

With a horror and reverence not known since furkind first witnessed a total solar eclipse, donovan watched the donkey's impossibly large posterior blot out the ceiling lights, the canine's mouth agape as the jiggling, sweat-dripping cheeks descended on him

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Sally on The Red Lounge - Gunge - female

Despite hoping for the contrary, sally wasn't exactly surprised when the audience broke into a rising tide of clearly eager applause; applause that rose as the assembled furkind rose to their feet as well. 'i guess i can't say no to that.'

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You Know What They Say About Curiousity- Commission for Fredwritz

The heavy, pounding slaps echoed around alex in time with the creatures guttural roars of possessive pleasure, a sound so above furkind bliss as to be horrific in its own way.

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Servants of the Earth Chapter 3: Please Fuck Me like the Bitch I Am!

A realm where demons plagued furkind, where super heroes actually existed, a realm where loved ones that were supposed to be invincible could die in the blink of an eye.

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The film started, it was an action film, only recently released, the 4th film in the series about killer humanoid robots trying to exterminate furkind, and the resistance that fought them.

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You Know What They Say About Curiousity

The heavy, pounding slaps echoed around alex in time with the creatures guttural roars of possessive pleasure, a sound so above furkind bliss as to be horrific in its own way.

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Marla Chapter 16 - The Gathering Storm

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that furkind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

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Sins of the Father

He ruminated briefly on how much furkind had separated itself from its origins, from its world, for good or ill. he still wanted and needed his tech; he was used to it by now. as cliché as it was, the whole getting back to nature thing was important.

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DownStairs 2: A Not-So-Quiet Evening at Home

He was never a slave to fashion; even on the job, his attire rarely included shirts and almost never included shoes, as footgear was very uncommon among furkind in moderate weather.

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