A Heart from the Shadows #2

Any ideas guile don't even think about conning me." she said. "alright you got me but, come with me i want to show you something." he replied, escorting her to where i was residing.

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"...guil..." "well, guil, consider us the first three friends you have in here," sly said. "oh, goody..." i said sarcastically. "oh, come on. don't be like that." "i lost a tooth. must i remind you?" "no sir.

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Wolves of the Beyond

"uh, guil." "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, guil. i am kira." she lowers her front half in front of me. what is she doing? "and i am fenris," the black wolf said as he also lowers his front half to the ground. are they bowing?

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Ardring - Chapter 5

Came guile's voice. he'd just recounted what he could remember, still curled up in a ball. he was sitting in the cheetah's lap, he could tell that much.

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Chapter 2 - The Sixth Curse

When the our warriors destroyed guil muntrus's memories, the knowledge of how to undo the curse was lost. and so was the true bloodline of the mountain clans.

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You let them take my teeth, my claws my guile and cunning. you let them take it away and leave me bleeding from attacks i never learned to fight. my teeth pulled, my claws cut off, and my mind silenced. you leave me confused and hurt.


From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Chapter 7

We called guiles back to our location following some more banter and informed him of our plans, so that way he could leave but at least let his friend know he was going to be safe.

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 9 Part 2

guil yelled, frotting roughly against her length, his pre splashing her front. "and now, master belialmon is making me waste it all on your worthless pussy!" guil shouted, cuffing gatomon across the face.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Chapter 6

guiles said as he gave a little smile himself, his watery eyes contradicting the fact that the thought truly was a happy one.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 6

guiles said as he allowed himself a little smile, his watery eyes contradicting the fact that the thought truly was a happy one.

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