Clawed Heart Feast

Both hominids stepped out into cold darkness. the temperature was a significant difference and caused a complaint from the female. he had no coat to offer her, unfortunately, so he sufficed to hold her close.

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Dating An Heir (Pt 10)

We worked great in teams, better than the hominids which inhabited the spec ops before the event. in order for a flit-wolf to get his wings, he has to lie his way through a polygraph and an anthro lie detector test.

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The Latest Job Pt 2

Marcus himself was downright hominid, with little more than a lot of brown fur and a monkey tail. with that pool to draw from, _finesse_ was pretty much out of the question.

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Fitting Roles Pt. 2

The familiar details as her walls clenched and trembled closer to the edge had her thinking he might've inherited more of his father's blood than that of the hominids.

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The Wild River - Gending Machines

Bipedal canids were first on the left, followed by felines and hominids. to the right were reptiles. i quickly scanned along the row, searching for the right one. a moment later, i heard laiya chirp.

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Subjects a: a lupine of sorts, hominid in form, male,leathery wings projecting from back ,semi-athletic build. stands 6'5" weight estimated around roughly 210 lbs. manages to somehow go unnoticed amongst the human populace.

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A Battle Fought on All Fronts: Part 1

Standing on the ground beneath the dragon was the figure of a hominid in a black leather cloak, his arms were raised above his head and channeling the lilac inferno that seemed to come from under his hood.

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It was vaguely hominid and very angry," the ferret pulled his phone out, the artifacted picture still clear as day.

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Lime: 4

This was a proposition that made the imposter sit upright and reshape himself into the more hominid bipedal form. "your proposal is appreciated, but you said that you would not?" lime thought back to just after laying their eggs.


Date Night

The scales on her palm were soft and rough, almost like calloused hominid hands. "i don't want my dinner running off tonight, especially after i went so hungry last month."

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First Time for Some Things

A habit she had picked up being around hominids, most people thought her smile was unsettling. to colton, it lit up her face like a beacon. "and that's why you're embarrassed to take that silly cloth off?"

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The Altered Boy

The wolf behind them choked, moaned, and reverted to its hominid form, seizing the bolt in its chest, and tugging it out. almost immediately, the wound healed over, scabbing, and falling free to leave only untouched fur.

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