Corruption of the Dataheart: Bad End (Request for lordgriffin)

You were created from my original data you black imposter," garurumon growled as a mirror image of him, save his black markings landed with a toothy grin.

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Starvation Diet (Pt. 2)

Everyone grew darker as the imposter glow lowered into its hiding bowl. everything inches tall always died, and it wasn't fair. first, the plastic thing with no signal. it died. then imposter glow. it's dying now. what's next? hopefully clamp.

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One of Us - 5 - Stung

As usual: who do you think is the imposter, if there is any (or more than one), in your opinion?

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I Am

A winged challenger, reflecting to oppose, and i just wonder, looking nose to nose; bright eyes, black fringe, white scales, same tinge, no imposter at all, i know her... no, me. i am... her. his lover, his life, his naomi. time.

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Vacancies for Overseers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the magpie returned to the table, silently piecing together the news of this imposter's presence and the word of ground penetrating radar being detected in use out east, bearing the third pitcher of beer, "so, chuck, did you say that

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Circe's Island

He shuffled closer to the captured imposter, stopping at the side of a tigress. "where...where is circe?" lycaon asked, breathing heavily. "i am here!"

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Chapter VII

The santiago imposter shook his head sadly. "i really thought we could do this the easy way." "do what?" the imposter screamed and began to deform. it shifted and morphed like a piece of wet clay. until finally in its place stood a regenerator.

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Blue: Chapter 12

"oh contraire my golden furred friend, the bear in question was in fact, an imposter!" both bears jumped at the rabbit's sudden outburst. red was that first to speak this time. "vio, what are you talking about?"


Blue: Chapter 10

The guards had taunted him, telling him that they had sent an imposter in his place, saying that this agent was going to kill all of his friends one by one. freddy felt sick to his stomach just thinking about it. his poor brothers.


Band Changelings Part 4

The guards knew that the band was an imposter, but they decided to let them finish since the crowd was enjoying it so much.

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History in the Making

I dubbed him matt damon-imposter, because he looked like the actor in a sense. yes, i know matt damon isn't a dingo, so the comparison can only go so far.

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The Ritual

Everyone began to mutter amongst themselves, wondering what the god meant by an imposter. regi didn't turn his head, just continued to stare towards the stone floor in front of him.

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