Self Indulgence 5

#5 of self indulgence this was the result of an exercise to prove to myself that i can still write and it turned out to fit this series. "hey, toby, how about a beejay for your old man?"

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Bovine Indulgence Highlights

Only since then has she shelved her aversions to obesity and indulged herself to feed the veritable litter growing inside her.

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Self Indulgence 2

#2 of self indulgence sid kicked his foot to shake off the cum in the door way. it was more out of surprise than disgust but it was still unwelcome for the moment.

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Self Indulgence 1

#1 of self indulgence "excuse me," was the only warning he got before a thick cock slid deep inside of him... "excuse me," was the only warning he got before a thick cock slid deep inside of him.

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Indulgences [Side B]

"What? No, I would never, are you crazy?" The red coon hound spouted. He was so tight-knit and always making me feel like I'm too outgoing. "Oh, c'mon Charlie. You never take any risks." I whined slightly. "Aiden, calm yourself. You're telling me you...

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Self Indulgence 4

#4 of self indulgence ron sighed as he took his seat on the bus and it set off. the old carriage was mostly empty save a couple of girls playing hooky by the sound of it and a few dull commuters waiting for their next stops.

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Another Scaly Indulgence

Her cries quieting to a silent immersement, as we both indulged ourselves in the experience. for me my manhood powerfully firing a surprising amount of fluid, cumming repeatedly in what seemed a never ending supply of pleasurable bursts.

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Indulging Irresponsibly [Commission]

Once the front door closed behind lukas, though, the wolfess immediately nodded over towards the table where kai had first started indulging: it was now mostly empty, save for a few toppled cups and some spills.

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Azure Indulgence [Commission]

Azure threw a tank top on over his large, stocky body. The first thing he noticed was that it felt a good deal tighter than usual. A slight compression around his midsection. The skunk sighed, resting one of his hands on his stomach. He felt the way...

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A little Self Indulgence

The small fennec, Tom, was trapped by that inebriated skunk in a terrible place. Stuck in the large species toilet of a public bathroom was possibly the worst place he could imagine being a prisoner in. He was so panicked that he didn't even hear...

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self indulgent mess

Read it if you like, but be warned, it's a self indulgent mess. **[muffled static, room tone, scattered breathing, electronic hum. the room is dark and claustrophobic.

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The Dragon's Short Break

Tags: m/f, draconicon, dragon, rabbit, succubus, demon, attempted hypnosis, overpowered, eye hypnosis, massage, escort, indulgence, wet,

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