War's Oversight - Chapter 09

Wedged as he was between two irregular and jagged rocks, he still had no fear of being discovered by her - provided he remained very still.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #5 - Irregular Season Start

_Saturday November 12, 12:47am_ "Home, sweet home," muttered the cat. 11 days on the road wasn't that bad, it just could've been so much better. Going 1-5 when his team could've easily been 3-3 were it not for last-second heroics by their opponents,...

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Ch-1 Suffering

Slick with rain and mud, she lay curled up under a blossoming sakura tree, her heart beat slow and irregular as she watched lightning flashacross the darkened sky, wondering if her family even realised what they were doing to her.

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381 The Nuclear Dance

Crossbeams still hold up sheared-off sections of the layer up above, forming a sort of irregular covered passage.

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Office Fix

Whether it was due to inexperience or just how he naturally fucked, neither of them knew, but the irregularity felt amazing to the both of them and had them both moaning like bitches in heat.

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Finally Complete

She glanced at her arms, covered in her own blood and white, irregular patches of fur. another spasm twisted her, and she heard her bones cracking. that was the last thing her human ears heard. she rose to her paws, shrugging off the pain.

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WoF Galaxy

Nbsp;dream find a mate and have a lot of dragonets fears losing his mates likes makingfriends dislikes bulls physical appearance scale colors: black eye colors: yellow irregular

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Pink Slime

Roger extended a pseudopod from his irregularly-shaped body, wrapped it around the doorknob, and exerted downward motion to open the door.

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The Hunter's Notes

An irregularity, a bump on the table. you brush your hand over it in a less than successful attempt to remove these damn webs. a book! an old book. a very old, very dusty, book...

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Pretty Little Pup

The pup's intestines wound their way around gut in irregular coils, and the substitute milk formula from her last feeding was visible through the thin walls.

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Bringing Home the Bacon

As itico struggled to navigate the tight twists and turns of the irregular passages he complains, "of all the aliens we've seen in the galaxy you wreck the ship of one of the smallest."
