Fur and Feathers Ch. 1

The female purred loudly at the kisslicking while her sire mated her caretaker.

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Illumanati Tales: New Beginnings.

When blacktail emerged, the kit leaped up into his arms and hugged him, giving kisslicks on his face. "everyone, i'd like you to meet christina, my mate, and summerbreeze, my son." "evening."

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Lost Innocence Chapter 3.

Shi kisslicked him on his cheek when he gave hir one. hir dad, a dark skinned human had sired hir when he mated with hir mom, a chakat. "morning dada, breakfast?" shi chirped excitedly. "yes, what do you want today?"

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Tinkles replied, giving hir a hug and a kisslick. the rest also wished hir well. voxanna nervously smiled and followed hir manager out of the room and down the hall to the stage.

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New Life, New Mate Part 2

"ohhhhhhh, i love you my special daddy to be..." shi whispered in his ears as the spurts of semen continued to spurt, nuzzling and kisslicking his flushed cheek and muzzle.

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More Than Meets The Eye

Nordic gave his mate a questioning glance, but shi just smiled and gave him a kisslick on his cheek. "it's better if you don't know dear. besides, you all will find out when i have finished."

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Solarblaze replied, giving hir father a long hug which was followed by a kisslick to his cheek, before climbing the ramp to the interior of the shuttle. "so stephan, tell me about this trouble your daughter has been getting into, hmm."

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Shi replied, kisslicking his muzzle after each letter, which ended with them both tongue lashing furiously, then slowly crawling back into bed.

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F.S.S. DRACONUS Day One Part 2

Shi had barely stepped in the door when shi was mobbed by three little furballs, hugging and kisslicking hir all over. with a giggle shi returned the eager affection of the cubs with hugs and kisslicks of hir own.

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Picking hir cub up and turned hir, so that shi was facing hir, sunset gave the cub a kisslick from hir neck to the bridge of hir muzzle, then looked hir in the eyes.

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New Life, New Mate Part 1.

Smiling, nordic gave hir a kisslick on hir cheek, but was once again surprised when shi turned hir head and kissed back, melding their lips together as hir tongue probed and run along his gums, eliciting a deep growl and whimper from him.

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The petting and soft kisslicking on the spot where shi struck started to make him calm down, but he didn't turn to look at hir. "hunny, sweetie. i am so sorry for striking you."

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