Chapter 1: The Beginning

, exclaimed chikorita "ya, it wuz kool an all, but we gatta go you ready, chikorita?", asked turtwig but he didn't get an answer. "chik?"

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Monkey's Beach Bunny Betty pt 1: b-ball bites!

If i see a drawing of one of my charaters, i will feature your artwork link, and a special shout out and put it in my favs. also i haven't seen any of my kind around. even just a monkey in a tree would be kool. :( also, i need a avatar, so if you can help

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Super Gummy Bear Girls!

"hey, it's not my fault she mistook a pitcher of mutagen and plant dna for green kool-aid." "do i even want to know why you had a whole pitcher of that in your fridge?"

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Glowing Space Drink

The dragonfly's sense of mystery deepened as he looked over the collection of glass containers, brimming with something reminiscent of radioactive kool-aid. he lifted one away and brought it to eye-level.

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Kool Kat Chronicles Chapter Eight, Part Two: Together Forever

kool kat chronicles chapter 8, part two: together forever. (lauren and mahtan) mahtan ellenzar was not a very complicated person. he was, by nature, simple.

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Chapter 2: Jasey Rae

Partly because the smoke-pit, with all the "kool kats and pups" who smoked their cigarettes, all fell silent when he climbed those steps.

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Guythreepwood Commission: The Weekend

Upon entering their room mike stashed the vodka in the freezer and filled a pitcher with water for the kool-aid. "think we should go buy some orange juice?" "not with the cherry stuff.

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AnJ chapter 1.

The taller, more muscled flamedramon, colored like a kool-aid, furiously moes his hips back and forth, slamming his thick, 12 inch, white member into his whimpering mate underneath, on their king sized bed with satin sheets.

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Becoming Closer Than Friends

Right then, slipping on the dvd case he had negligently placed on the floor, falling backwards as the kool-aid splashed all over the two foxes and even soaking the couch.

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Pt. 2 Gift Horse

He remembered a scene from one of his favorite movies, filled with swords and guns and tons of kool-aid like blood. 'wriggle your big toe' he thought, his body shaking a little bit as he tried to giggle.

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